Words of Courage

Jeremy M.

My Fellow Adventurers!

The events of last market day have been a terror and a tragedy. But I have come to speak words of courage and exhortation.

For we adventurers have never been far from death, or from the end. We fight every day, our lives in our hands, and every year we face great evils which threaten our homes, our realm, and our world. Whenever we walk into the circle, we may never walk out. We have never been safe from death. So now, with the circles gone, let us keep our courage about us!

Our foe is great, but we have always fought great foes. In Gaden, now lost, the corrupt far outnumbered those who fought against them, and overran almost all known lands. Yet they were defeated! In Erabella, the Djinn Evoder was defeated even without us! Despite his boasts, is the Wraithlord truly more powerful than he? Even this year, all adventurers feared the Red Baron and his plot, and it was uncertain whether our power was great enough to defeat him. And now, if the report is true, the corruption of the Plane of Life has halted! Great things have been done, great foes have been felled, here and in many lands. The Earth has placed its strength within us, and that strength is always greater than the strength of Death.

Therefore, Let us take courage! And the test of our courage is this: do we act from fear? In the face of death, will we compromise our commitment to what is right? Will we let evil infect our hearts, in order to preserve our lives? My friends, let it not be so! I urge you all to remain steadfast in that which has always been our duty as adventurers: To protect the innocent, to protect one another, and to fight against evil. This has been our duty since the beginning. How much more is it our duty now!

Let us preserve what is right, in ourselves and in the world. For if we sacrifice what is right for the sake of our lives, they will not be lives worth living, and this world will become a world not worth preserving. So let us fight for that which is good, always. Goodness is always hard, and bravery is always in the face of impossible odds. But Goodness is always worth all effort, and bravery is our only means of survival.

Nikephorus Goldcrest