Winter Thaws

Jesse Grabowski

Winter Thaws

The winter was harsh and refused to go away politely and the War of a Thousand Skirmishes continued on. Many small villages and towns reported goblin scouting parties during the day and kobold raiding parties at night. They mostly stole provisions and weapons and all save one were able to get away before the town guard could be summoned. The goblin found to be working with the kobolds, as he was dragged away, was heard to say, "I just wanted the pretty shinies!"

A middle-aged gentleman, rubbing the back of his head said, "I hope those pesky little red faced dogs all catch fleas!"

Another farmer was quoted, "I hope they choke on the food they stole from us!"

The next day, hunting parties, lead by the town guard and a local sheriff, were formed, though yielded no positive results. Trackers could only find a small abandoned encampment littered with bones and food scraps.

All citizens are advised to lock your windows and doors and keep your livestock indoors if at all possible.