To the Guardians

Jeremy M.

To those Djinn who call themselves Guardians, as many as yet heed the words of the lowly on the Dreaming, from Nikephorus, once and last king of the birds of the Sheltered Lands, greetings.

Upon the dreaming, a week past, you spoke on the danger which now threatens Evodia and, indeed, all of Fortannis. In this, you confessed how you had failed in your duties as Guardians. Rightly have you done this! But have you spoken all? For it is said that the Wraith Lord, that very creature of chaos, was once one of your own! If it is true, so much greater is your responsibility, oh great ones, you who knew of him and his evil from the beginning!

Therefore, Mighty Djinn, we entreat you to use all of your great power against this foe. Honor the memory of your brother, Halvar, who for the love of his people gave up his own immortal life! Among all people, he is beloved and greatly famed, and his memory will last as long as the world if we may make it so. But recall also Evoder. How black is his name among his race! Greatest of all the Djinn, yet by mortals laid low, so they may be delivered from his evil. Let not your name be made like his!

Consider also Phelorna. They were not the least among you, yet they fell but lately to that dread lord. If you do not act with all you have, will you not be like them? Yet, if Evoder was sent forever to the grave by the powers of a single mortal race, one riven by conflict and at odds with itself, without the help of any djinn, then will not the Wraith Lord be surely destroyed if all races rise up with the help of all djinn? So summon your courage! Fight with all your immortal life, for it is for your immortal life that you fight! And not only that, but your immortal fame, and your love for the lowly ones whom you guard! Show among all people the great honor and power of the Guardian Djinn, so that even the most rebel of humans will sing your songs! Thus I humbly entreat you, Mighty Djinn, on behalf of the races, as many as agree with my words, for your sake as well as our own.
