The Once and Future Past... wait, what?


Hey there HQ players!

So, you've figured out the time loop have you? You want to chase that lead? <MUAHAHAHAHA>

Here are the things you've connected between prior happenings and current events:
  • Mastermind= Steeleye
  • Crix/Galantri=Spracta
  • Ri’ Artan stones=Meteor Crystals/Sentinel stones
  • Fae war with Black Annis =Fae war with ????
  • Morgasander=Morgasander
  • Keirgani allowed in Wold=Keirgani allowed in Wold
  • Turmoil in Crown=Turmoil in Crown
  • Duke Frost's sacrifice =Duke Frost's sacrifice
  • Gnolls ally Galantri= Stone elves “ally” spracta
  • Morgansander/Frost sacrifice=Kalini’s sacrifice
  • Trellheim returns=Corrheim returns
  • War with Thessi=War with Thessi
  • Guildmistress Zat appointed Councilor for Biata Council

Here's what we, the plot team need from you:

1. If you are a new player who has heard bits of these past incidents or read about them, but didn't experience them, let us know which one(s) you'd be interested in exploring as your character (and please tell us which character you plan on playing, if you have more than one).

2. Veterans! Do you actually remember these things? Did you play through these plots? Tell us which one(s) you were there for, and a short summary of what you remember. (And as which character, if you have more than one).

Please email these things to
Also, NO, this will NOT take the place of your regular IBGA. This is in addition to that. :)