Spider Island: Part 2 (Electric Boogaloo)


Chicago Staff
Good evening to all.

I will apologize in advance if my tone is perceived as curt. My time as a Chief Warrant Officer in the military where I am from will be showing.

Since we are in for a copper, in for a pound; we need to address our resources, abilities, group makeup and understandings of what we are walking into.

1) In certain lands, you can cut an individual free from the effects of a web from a spider. Is this the case on Spider Island?
2) What is the end all objective when we go back to Spider Island? Are we blowing up caves? Destroying eggs? Killing something? Dropping an island on it?
3) What are our resources available right now? We will need a lot of releases, purifies, poison shields, weapon shields, spell shields and lifes. Potions are going to be vital for everyone to have as quick pick ups as we go throughout this endeavour. Enslavement antidotes still might be necessary to have as well. Are people willing to part with their stock piles to ensure the success of the mission?
4) Also, with the changing of the magics in the mist spheres, it looks as if we will have to be concerned with items as well as magic items breaking due to these changes. Will the blacksmiths and tinkerers be learning how to repair items on the field?
5) When are we assaulting Spider Island? Before the reenergizing of our energies the first or second day? Having a proper timeline of when we are doing this will allow those of us who are manipulating our skills due to the mists to be as best prepared for this.
6) Do we have the scrolls and sticks necessary to do a destroy formal magic in case we hit that issue while on the Island?
7) Who is going to be the battle leaders for this mission? This is very important to ensure that we do not have chaos as we enter, fight, and leave the island.
8) Finally, are people understanding that we might not be able to go back and save them? This excursion, in my opinion, is quite possible to cause multiple resurrections. I personally will be underneath the belief of the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. If you do the "stupid" and run off by yourself, I will not be letting people chase after you if you are with me. This is the time to work together and work as a unit.

Thank you all for taking the time to read and offer your input. Here's hoping this goes off as successfully as we wish it to.

~Glenn Stormwolf
Guardian of the First Tree
3 & 4) With the changes in the magics I intend to provide support in repairing weapons and armor. I also intending to bring and use battle magic scrolls for releases and the like, although my personal collection is not as large as say Aramis'

7) Lore and Gemclipper appear to have the most information and would be useful to whomever is selcted to lead (if not those two themselves).

8) I want to re-emphasize this point. There is little space for mistakes. I doubt the island will be as forgiving against our final assault as it was on the last outing.
1) Yes, according to our recon mission, the webs here are able to be cut out.
2) The end objective is clear out the place, destroying all spiders if not to a manageable number that can't overwhelm us anymore.
3) If you look here, we have a list of all of the support we are getting from kingdoms and the like, and from what I have heard, there is more to come. This is also where I have been directing people for crafting ideas. As for what everyone is making, that is something to see when we get to the market.
4) This is also something that I know that people have been looking into but again, I would not know what we have until the market day
5) I do not know how the mists move but I would prepare for your skills to be set for the entire market and not be able to change.
6) That is a very good point and something I should look into.
7) It seems that we are likely going to split into two groups. As Franz said, Sam is likely going to lead one group. I am not sure if I would be allowed to lead the other since I have very little social credit for being a battlefield leader, but I am here if it's permitted and available for assistance if not.
8) This is a conversation that has been weighing on me heavily. I stated in my recon post that I am going to ask to make battle buddies mandatory and that sticking to your position is paramount. If you step out of line, it going to cost you and it's not going to be up to the group to risk their lives to save you. I would also hope to have this conversation before the battle for those that do not frequent the Dreaming. But let it be known that we understand the importance here of smart fighting and are very much looking to sort our people in the best way possible.
One of the best ways you can prepare for this mission is to take individual responsibility for yourself and prepare yourself to the best of your ability. Do not rely upon the charity of others but be a contributing memeber. Make sure your weapons are sharp, your armour is fitted, your equipment is ready, and your potions are full. As a traveler I have noticed that when the **** hits the fan, the citizens of Prademar tend to step up and do the impossible. But this mission will have little room for error. As has already been stated you need to ensure you have a full stock of potions. Release, Cleanse, Purify, Awaken, Posion Shield, and Weapon Shield. If you can source a poton for yourself do so, it will be less a drain on the supplies of others. As for the potential for broken items, either stengthen your gear ahead of time or bring a spare weapon or shield. Tinkers and Smiths, such as myself, will have our hands full repairing amrour and fixing broken magical weapons. Bringing a spare or taking the time to strengthen your gear a head of time keeps you in the fight longer so that the support personel can conduct equipment triage. I know the people of Prademar and consider this place a second home. I look forward to fighting alongside you and acheiving victory with you all. v/r: Heinricht Hammer-Forged
Also be ready to dodge out of the way of the driders. They have arcane deliveries.

One of the best ways you can prepare for this mission is to take individual responsibility for yourself and prepare yourself to the best of your ability. Do not rely upon the charity of others but be a contributing memeber. Make sure your weapons are sharp, your armour is fitted, your equipment is ready, and your potions are full. As a traveler I have noticed that when the **** hits the fan, the citizens of Prademar tend to step up and do the impossible. But this mission will have little room for error. As has already been stated you need to ensure you have a full stock of potions. Release, Cleanse, Purify, Awaken, Posion Shield, and Weapon Shield. If you can source a poton for yourself do so, it will be less a drain on the supplies of others. As for the potential for broken items, either stengthen your gear ahead of time or bring a spare weapon or shield. Tinkers and Smiths, such as myself, will have our hands full repairing amrour and fixing broken magical weapons. Bringing a spare or taking the time to strengthen your gear a head of time keeps you in the fight longer so that the support personel can conduct equipment triage. I know the people of Prademar and consider this place a second home. I look forward to fighting alongside you and acheiving victory with you all. v/r: Heinricht Hammer-Forged
So, where I appreciate this sentiment, I do want to say something as I don't want this thought process to become a common one.

If you can craft, please make in bulk and think of others. With the magic shifting and many newer adventurers being part of our group, we are seeing a major shortage in crafted goods. Where making sure you are prepared yourself is good, please think of others. I do not want there to be a death on Spider Island because someone refused to share a scroll with someone. This is about teamwork and if a space is lacking, we need those that can fill in holes to fill in holes.

So please do not come to this with a 'Everyone for themselves' mentality. If someone dies on Spider Island, I want it to be because we couldn't do anything, not because we refused to help when we could have.
I'm sorry if my frankness confused people or was looked at harshly. The intent was to encourage others to try and rally themselves to reduce the strain on the supply chain. Every item has value, especialy with the changing of the mists. Do not think you cant contribute becasue you can! I know I've been over producing for the past 2 gathers to help fill in the holes and prepare for Spider Island. Its just if you are able to bring something to the table, please do so. This is going to be a team victory and if everyone does their part we will be successful. v/r: Heinricht.
I'm sorry if my frankness confused people or was looked at harshly. The intent was to encourage others to try and rally themselves to reduce the strain on the supply chain. Every item has value, especialy with the changing of the mists. Do not think you cant contribute becasue you can! I know I've been over producing for the past 2 gathers to help fill in the holes and prepare for Spider Island. Its just if you are able to bring something to the table, please do so. This is going to be a team victory and if everyone does their part we will be successful. v/r: Heinricht.
I figured it was that but I wanted to make sure that there isn't a feeling of leaving those out that can't prep that kind of stuff. Especially to any new faces seeing this post.
I still see this entire venture as a foolhardy, moral abomination. That being said, I feel the strategy of this cleansing seems to have been well established, however the tactics of the fight in the field are still murky.

A comprehensive explanation of the antagonistic forces, their defenses and weakness would be useful. I understand there are two primary creatures inhabiting the island, spiders and driders.

I have forwarded what I have seen of these creatures in the past and in different Mist spheres. Any who have committed in person reconnaissance on the island should confirm, deny, and expand on the below.

  • Larger versions of the creatures we see every day inhabiting the houses and fields of our lives. They come in all shapes and varieties, are omnivorous and opportunistic carnivores.
  • Can shrug off the most virulent Poisons without any effort.
  • Often fully immune to Binding magic, or able to burst out of Bindings with ease.
  • Able to secrete Entangling threads similar to the Web battle magic spell. This Entanglement can be ripped with a weapon or by hand (five seconds of committed Focus) or torn asunder in an instant with the strength of an Endow.
  • Able to secrete Poison through their bites and claws. Most often, the creatures put their victims to Sleep and drag them away for future consumption.
  • Can often Poison their victims in a way similar to Slow, Drain, and Disease battle magics.
  • Tactics include blitzkrieg attacks from the sides, rear, and ceiling in an effort to scatter and isolate prey allowing for weakened individuals to be dragged away for future consumption.
  • Usually they fight in groups with minimal animal intelligence, but can be controlled by a drider to strike in patterns, formation, and with lethal understanding of terrain and battle-field tactics.

  • Driders are a distant cousin of spider-kyn, though a separate species entirely.
  • They are self-aware, intelligent, ruthless, and fully educated. Their culture is shrouded in mystery, but expect them to abide by their own internal strictures largely alien from those of Wayside.
  • As a sapient race, they will have access to all the standard Celestial and Earth magical defenses and attacks. Some delve into Chaos magics as the cultural taboo is not strong among their people.
  • Able to channel Arcane magics to augment their attacks.
  • Can shrug off the most virulent of Poisons without any effort.
  • Often fully immune to Binding magic, or able to burst out of Bindings with ease.
  • Born with the ability to Control spiders by Voice and sometimes their mind.
  • Some can step into and out of shadows, affecting a kind short-distance teleportation. Whether this is true co-location or merely the drider's ability to rapidly travel sheer vertical surfaces while under the cover of darkness is unknown.
  • Can call upon chthonic magics to mimic the abilities of a Dragon. This includes, but is not limited to, Disintegrate (previously Shatter Spirit), Destroying Formal Magic, forcible Race Change, Obliterate, and imbuing their thralls with spell-crafted and hard-cast Rituals.
  • Are often master Alchemists in their own right and use Enslavement potions at whim. Some have the ability to express Enslavement as a Poison Globe, others can manifest it as a Spell attack.
  • Driders are most often scholarly creatures, but they almost universally also wield long Claws that can secrete powerful Poisons. They can often Strike their Spells through their Claws.
  • As a culturally isolated people (and in response to the wide-spread bigotry against their kind), driders are almost never known to show mercy, offer quarter, negotiate terms, or abide by the proper conduct of war. They have a long history of abuse at the hands of other races and, rightly so, see no reason to show compassion.
  • Driders are apex predators and, as a rule, are solitary and highly territorial. However, as we are invading their territory, expect multiple driders to act in concert and in support of eachother and their spider shock troops. They will Heal, augment, enrich, revive, and otherwise support eachother to the full extent of their magic.

Hart help us all if this mission fails and we bring the wrath of these creatures down upon the people Terna.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Prademar University
Keeper of the Tainted Grove.
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3) What are our resources available right now? We will need a lot of releases, purifies, poison shields, weapon shields, spell shields and lifes. Potions are going to be vital for everyone to have as quick pick ups as we go throughout this endeavour. Enslavement antidotes still might be necessary to have as well. Are people willing to part with their stock piles to ensure the success of the mission?

In my past experiences in dealing with the dryders they can and do toss Enslavement. Furthermore, when they years ago stormed the town via Waystone one of them had the capability to use Dragon Magic and did not hold back in trying to shatter spirits. If this dryder is still alive or still posesses this ability I do not know.

I doubt that we will be able to parlay. I will still attempt it. We know nothing about the dryders and perhaps we can at least reach a non-aggressive pact. It might be that the dryders are starving and we could help.

Do either Master Gemclipper or Lorelei know if that is an option? Or are we burning and salting the ground in our wake?

Thank you,
Matron FallingStar
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3) What are our resources available right now? We will need a lot of releases, purifies, poison shields, weapon shields, spell shields and lifes. Potions are going to be vital for everyone to have as quick pick ups as we go throughout this endeavour. Enslavement antidotes still might be necessary to have as well. Are people willing to part with their stock piles to ensure the success of the mission?

In my past experiences in dealing with the dryders they can and do toss Enslavement. Furthermore, when they years ago stormed the town via Waystone one of them had the capability to use Dragon Magic and did not hold back in trying to shatter spirits. If this dryder is still alive or still posesses this ability I do not know.

I doubt that we will be able to parlay. I will still attempt it. We know nothing about the dryders and perhaps we can at least reach a non-aggressive pact. It might be that the dryders are starving and we could help.

Do either Master Gemclipper or Lorelei know if that is an option? Or are we burning and salting the ground in our wake?

Thank you,
Matron FallingStar
I asked about parleying and if it was an option we should pursue but I got silence in response. I doubt it's an option now.
as for question five, I have the same question as I am wanting to have as many releases in memory as I possibly can for the trip.

Sir Corbell Sheppard.
While I will be aiding from my ships around the island and not inside I have some items to sell that could be of use.

1/e Rift to Magisterium Plane for 10 people
1/e Rift to Fae for 10 people
1/e Refresh. This refreshes ALL skills, spells and abilities as if you went through a remem. Use all 90 spells in your 10 column and 80 HM abilities? Get them back instantly.

A simple husband to Duchess Suswani
I believe all these items may be of use. Perhaps we could purchase these as a town?

Lady FallingStar

Thank you for your willingness to offer up said items to us. I agree with Lady Fallingstar. We should pool resources as a town for these.

On that note, I know there is a certain "merchant" that truly appreciates Silver and Platnium pieces. This might be the proper time to pool a good number of these coins and see what deal might be able to be made.


Thank you for your willingness to offer up said items to us. I agree with Lady Fallingstar. We should pool resources as a town for these.

On that note, I know there is a certain "merchant" that truly appreciates Silver and Platnium pieces. This might be the proper time to pool a good number of these coins and see what deal might be able to be made.

The merchant is already onboard for the initial strike.

The merchant is already onboard for the initial strike.

A lesson was learned, don't make a time limit on a discount thinking Sam Gemclipper can't follow through. Unfortunately I won't have any magical abilities to provide outside of this task, but I will be in town during Lunch to bestow the last of the Elder Dragon Gifts. So make sure you have any remaining specialty crafting ingredients tied to these lands.

- Petyr Raxis, ordinary merchant with no extraordinary abilities.
Can we go for another walk? I would hate to die on spider island not knowing the glory of another walk with a very good conversationalist.

Do we have an idea on which day we will be assaulting Spider Island?

Lady FallingStar
Do we have an idea on which day we will be assaulting Spider Island?

Lady FallingStar

Saturday afternoon just after the magic renews
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