Seeking lodging or Ward for the festival


This coming gather, I hope to travel from Laerthan and do not travel with a team or group that typically establishes lodging. I am looking for lodging for myself and likely Childe Surion, temperamental Mists willing. If I cannot secure lodging then I would like to arrange the purchase of a Ward for a tent. Perhaps someone you know might be able to assure you I have not snored or played hide-and-seek with anyone's shoes while lodging at Tar'Navarrian gathers.
Thank you,
Nerium Hawthorne
I can cast a Ward for you!
I've been told I should charge some of the shiny tokens for it, so I've been charging 1 gold for Wards if that's amenable

Friendly Dryad
We met at the gathering in the Isles of Camulous, you were indeed friendly. I will take you up on this offer as upon further thought I'd rather have a secure tent than an unsecured bed if two were even available.
Thank you,