Security Bill - Addendum


With permission from Duke De'Were of the Northern Duchy, the Security Bill being tested in the Western Duchy shall also be in effect in the Husky Barony. This shall ensure a broader expanse with which to judge the proposed new law. Should Duke De'Were wish and approve, this may at any time spread to the other Baronies and Counties of the Northern Duchy at his leisure.

Minor changes in wording of the bill follows to satisfy this being enacted in a different Duchy and single Barony . . .

1. Baron Zihr and Knights of the Husky Barony may enact summary judgement to criminals in their districts of control. If they choose to forego this power the crime will be judged as normal in a court of peers.

2. With oversight and permission from their Baron or Knight, Squires are able to pass judgement seen in part one.

3. Baron Zihr and Knights found to be abusing this power or enacting this power outside of their district, will be brought before a tribunal of peers, overseen by Duke De'Were. This tribunal will determine any corrections, punishments and reparations needed due to the abuse of this power.

~Baron Zihr of House Husky
Nikephorus Goldcrest of Lost Gaden to his friend Baron Zihr of House Husky, Greetings.

Upon that last and most disastrous market day, you recall how I spoke with you and made to persuade you against this new law. You made the case that I should have no fear of it, for the nobles of the land are good, and shall neither use this new power with rashness nor with evil hearts. But who knows the hearts of others? Any man, even you, my friend, may be tempted by ease, or by profit, or by anger. But now, the die has been cast, and this new power is in your hands.

Therefore, if I am your friend, heed this charge: In such cases as you judge, withhold your judgement, and keep justice in your mind. Consult not only your own heart, but the thoughts of your friends. Do not, by mistake, pollute your hands with innocent blood! You are a defender and a guardian to your subjects. Do not stoop to being their executioner!

Further, make your hate awful against those who would use this power for evil. Make true your saying, that the nobles are good and wise! As great as the power of the nobles, greater still must be their care, and greater their evil when their judgement rots. You, and those who stand with you in the right, must be the terrible fire in which tyrants burn. Be a vigilant guard and a tireless hound against such people.

Know this also: If you yourself turn, and your heart becomes that of a tyrant, you shall find no ally in me. Though it grieves me, I shall be your enemy and adversary, and I shall not stop until either you have turned back to the way of justice, or one of us has gone forever to the grave. Take comfort in this! For this is the way of true friends, and I expect the same of you should I ever turn black-hearted and cruel.

Be cautious and wise, my great friend, a lover of right and a hater of wrong, dealing equally with the low and the high. Protect freedom, for she remains weak and newly won in this land. Do not, for fear or power or gain, abandon her in this dark night, or else we shall fight for nothing.

Nikephorus Goldcrest
I feel like I should add that not every judgement need be execution, but that seems to instantly be the first thought.

Lets see how this goes. Im still waiting to see an evil noble in these lands and thankfully that hasnt happened yet.

- Cass
Sometimes the line between an unwise Noble and an evil Noble is nonexistent. This move may not impact the nobles currently on the register, but it is putting a lot of responsibility in the hands of any future noble of the land. I am but a neighbor, but I see this move and am highly cautious of it. It certainly impacts my mind to arduously travel to such a land. When the finders of fact become the executor of justice, one must be above reproach in many ways. One need not just be noble of intention, but also execution.

-Willem Rivet
owner of the Dragon's Hoard
I know this is all common knowledge of the land, but I wanted to make it known again. Most of the punishments are to resurrection. 6 out of 9 edicts are to resurrection already. Trespassing, Impersonation and Theft are the exceptions. One would say Banditry falls into one of the 3 if not 2 as we've seen with many claiming nobility title. In most cases, adventurers have just killed them when we're attacked, which then goes into Assault, which is punishable by resurrection. If I'm there and no form of peace can be reached and I'm attacked, I don't plan on dying.

This Bill applies to 1 of 5 Duchies, one of the remaining 4 includes a Barony.

Laws of Erabella
  1. Necromancy in all its forms are illegal, punishable by resurrection.
  2. Murder is illegal, punishable by resurrection.
  3. Theft, and Smuggling is illegal, punishable by debt of restitution or indentured servitude.
  4. Assault is illegal, punishable by lashing or resurrection.
  5. Possession of alchemical products deemed illegal by the state (Amnesia, Euphoria, Worm Dust), punishable by debt of restitution or resurrection.
  6. Treason through actions against the state is illegal, punishable by debt of restitution, lashing, or resurrection.
  7. Engaging in Slavery and other persons trafficking is illegal, punishable by debt of restitution or resurrections.
  8. Trespassing and acts such as breaking and entering on both government and private property is illegal, punishable by debt of restitution or indentured servitude.
  9. Impersonation of nobility or government officials is illegal, punishable by debt of restitution or indentured servitude.

Knight Captain Cassandra Malvern
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My old friend, my Honorable Baron:

You will have my support in this, as you have had since the first sunrise of the Order of Dawn. My unrelenting blade Dominion and the mental puissance of the immortal blood in my veins are at your disposal in all matters just. And you will have my unfettered words as well, I'm sure you would expect no less by now.

I urge you to exercise great restraint with this new law and allow the populace to have the agency of being judged by a court of their peers whenever possible. To lead your Knights and Squires by example, and show them how to carefully wield the pressurized magma of authority lest it tear the land asunder. I have witnessed enough volatility in these lands since my return, have heard the anxieties of people under duress carried on the agitated winds, to know that in current conditions the wrong perceived injustice at just the wrong time could be disastrous for all. The people's trust in their nobility is a valuable and precious resource, and in light of the fallout from Viscountess Mallowbrooks' actions while possessed by the Wraith Lord it is a resource you would be wise to carefully tend.

As the cold times set in, I look forward to your hospitality at Honeygrasp, to warmth and laughter in dark times, and to many fruitful conversations about the security and stability of both your lovely Barony and of all of Erabella.

Azeba of Lost Bomae, Blademistress of the Order of Dawn, Initiate of the Slayers' Guild