Rumors Around Gavaria April 524


Chicago Staff
-I keep hearing from all of the merchants I talk to that there is a festival coming up near the floating city! It sure does sound like a fun time.

-Those creepy dolls at the college never seem to be in the same place twice.

-Spring has sprung, that means that its migration time! Be on the lookout for strange animals as they move about.

-Wait, we have cannibal pirates and now we have undead pirates? I thought the seas were finally safe!

-I’ve heard the Black Moon Sentinels have lost over 30 members in the last few weeks. Something about a great beast killing them.
-Yeah, the only things left behind were the medallions!

-More and more shipments from Fluga have been arriving. I love food but I don’t think I’ll be starving anytime soon.

-Can you believe the Strigoi are back? I remember hearing about them from my family.
-I thought they were myths!
-Really? There was a whole war around them. We literally celebrate Hero's Week every May!
-Oh yeah. Ever since that neck rash showed up things have been a little foggy.

-You hear about that evil sorceress turning folks’ noses into pig snouts?
-I heard they ended up being bandits.
-Okay, well regardless,

-I was at the tavern in Atupal the other night and I thought I saw a Stone Elf laugh.
-Stone Elves don’t laugh, right?
-I also haven’t seen a Stone Elf with red hair and a fur tail so I don’t know what to believe anymore!

-You ever look out at Gavaria and wonder, what was here before us?
-Troglodytes, Trolls, Gremlins, Tritons….
-I mean before all that?

-I have to thank the Merchant Council for the heads up about the Spring Festival. I was able to assemble enough wares in time.
-I heard it was actually a tip from Squire Gregor
-A tourney, tea, a parade, he’s starting to be Meltith’s rising star!

-Have you been to Winter’s Rest lately, it’s like a fortress up there.
-I heard some new Guard is whipping everyone into shape!

- Dagmin resurrected again.
- AGAIN? What was it this time.
- He and his group couldn't memorize a story, at all. They got 0/10.
- That's kinda his own fault. When I went I got a Recharge Prowess Scroll, and then sold it for 4g. That was quite the night!