Official Laws

Would someone of position be kind enough as to post the official laws of these lands in a public forum such as this?

Thank you for your time,
Elderman Goldsong
As it seems people were more ready to eat than to listen to the Justicar I was unable to hear a large portion of the laws and rules and guidelines and would appreciate the rules being posted here so as not to rely on word of mouth or memory for the rules of the land. A posted writing of the laws is a great idea.
The Justicar has been traveling outside of the Bastion. He is due back within the next few days. He will post the laws upon his return.

Thank you,
Lord Galloway
thank you Lord Galloway and thanks ahead for Justicar Crowe posting the laws of the land. It is appreciated.
(Brought in and posted by messenger)

The laws have been posted.

Please observe the announcement section of this message board.

Thank you,
Lord Galloway