October Event

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Drew AGB Co-Owner

Gettysburg Staff
Hey Everyone,

We are less than two weeks away from our October event. We currently do not have enough paying PC’s registered. We will continue to review our registration, but we will need 14 more paying PC’s to be able to hold the event. We will make the final decision on Monday the 9th if we have enough PC’s to be able to hold this event. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

Drew & Matt AGB Co-Owners
The event will be running this coming weekend, we have reached a number that will allow us to have the event. We will be having NPC shift this weekend, as we currently have 3 NPC, we will have sign ups at Logistics. Please make sure for those who have paid, and not pre-regged, please do so. Hope to see you all there.
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