
bluewingedcat for my normal one...

Wanna follow along with Diera's thoughts? dieraturak ;)
urbanwolf, but you already know that one.

shikar is my in game journal.
i have one...sand_man
but you already knew that too..seeing how i got mine from you hehe

Look me up...macghille_eoine (ig journal) spoone_man for my other stuff
thats mine!

jpariury said:
Online journals are the devil.

Only if used incorrectly. I have seen them cause problems, and increase the drama quotient, I have also seen them help *solve* problems in the same capacity. But then, is a journal *supposed* to be read and commented on by friends??
I have one. And while I have seen it cause havoc, it also helped me work through some issues with myself.

I think online journals, like most tools are niether good nor evil, it's just a matter of how they are used and by whom.

Oh, and my LJ is sylvan
Online journals cause troubles when they become a substitute for communication, used instead of bringing issues personally to individuals. Basically, when they're used as a tool of passive aggressiveness (ie, it's not a cause, it's a symptom)

Also, I've seen bad things happen when people make a post they thought was private - but wasn't. My solution is to try to write all my posts assuming that everyone will read it. If I want to bitch and moan, I do it in person.

That being said, I agree with Jim - I've worked through a great deal of personal issues and come to some important realizations via my journal. I generally don't write for other people's benefit, but for my own. Having friendly input has helped me to learn even more, however.

Aeris said:
What are onlin journals? is the one most frequently referenced (as indicated by the post subject). It's essentially an online community where you can make posts as often as you want. Everyone does this, and those people you have listed as "friends" will have their posts on a convenient page for everyone to read. e.g.

My ID is jesusforaday.

My regular journal is digiryan, which you can only read if your on my friends list.

You can find the link to my IG journal in there as well, but theres a huge disclaimer right below it incase you are aprehensious of reading about *everything* Johnathan has done.

If you got your own LJ, friend me and I'll friend you to let you in.

Though, I will say that my journal is boring. At least, thats what I think it is anyway.

Before I signed up for one, I had fears about Live Journals being misused as a passive method of expressing strong emotions and slander. However, since I?ve had my JL, and I haven?t witnessed any of that. It seems that people must be discussing their personal issues with only the people involved, which is much better for everyone invovled.

The biggest benifit of my LJ is that it gives me the ability to communicate with my long-distance friends, without racking up a huge phone bill.
My LJ is Fuzzjon, I haven't posted in a while but it has been hectic recently. I will start posting again probably this week.
L.E. said:
Before I signed up for one, I had fears about Live Journals being misused as a passive method of expressing strong emotions and slander. However, since I?ve had my JL, and I haven?t witnessed any of that. It seems that people must be discussing their personal issues with only the people involved, which is much better for everyone invovled.

The biggest benifit of my LJ is that it gives me the ability to communicate with my long-distance friends, without racking up a huge phone bill.

*poke* But what's your journal's name? 8)

I am cuddlycthulhu, voices_inside, and one that no one here will ever read. 8)