July Lowbie Event favorites


- Chaos storming.... Oh so delicious!
- "I can do that better than you!"
- The Shun Goku Satsu. Glad everyone got to meet Sar.
- Dying from waylays. Gotta love it.
- Rezzing twice in one weekend. Hat trick next time!
- "You're going to lose your tabard! See! Did I lie!"
- Fun with Daggers.
- Hairy Horny Elf. Fish Elf. Sitting-next-to-me guy.

I'm too fried to think of more. Everything hurts and I'm sunburnt and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Thank you Larp family!
Okay so now that my brain has had somewhat of a reset....

Wow......Guys thanks for giving me the opportunity to run an event. I wrote this up last year and Collin helped me hash it out so that it would work. I'm super thankful for the opportunity to actually put on something that entertained everyone. Thanks for everyone that gave me their opinions and showed me the adjustments I needed to make to make this run as smoothly as it did. I definitely have a whole new respect for Plot teams and people that run events.

~Chris-You were a huge help this weekend. Thanks for being there and keeping my stress level down. Thanks for the flowers too! You gave them to me at the perfect time! I was super stressed and they just made me stop and smile. You helped me out so much this weekend. Oh! Thanks for teaching me how to set up traps too! <3 I love you!

~Collin-Thanks for running the desk and helping me figure out what to do through the weekend. Thanks for all the tips and for helping me turn a few random mods into an entire weekend.

~Sam- Thanks for coming and helping with the desk and marshaling.

~NPCs!!! Thanks for taking on all the roles and all the monsters that we threw at you this weekend! You guys were amazing!

~Dave- Thanks for picking up the role I gave you! You were perfect!

~Ashely! OMG girl you were fantastic! I know this was only your second event and wow! You were great! Thanks so much for taking on the massive role!

~Red Phantom! OMG Mike B. came back and asked me what it was....I had no clue!

~Causing Dave's PC to throw a Chaos Storm in the middle of town at PCs! That was epic! thanks for letting me play with that.

~Giving a new PC (and player) some personal plot and watching his reaction. It was really fun to play that role.

~Watching Iser (sp?) flip out on Stephano and practically choke him! OMG Mike that was PERFECT! Dave way to roll with the punches!

~Playing Snooga after 2 years! Glad i could throw that out there.

~Setting up a trap mod Sunday after only learning how to do it Friday. Dan and Dave thanks for your help! Chris again thanks for teaching me how to do that. It's a lot of fun!

~Watching the PCs follow ever hint I gave them the way I wanted them to. I only had one thing that I hadn't planed for and I managed to pull it off well.

~BARRON OF THE SHINY MOONS! Gahahahahahahahaha Damon I can't believe you let your tabard get stolen!

~Stephano Ball! That wave battle was hilarious to watch and played out better than I had thought it would. Dave you're such a good sport!

OMG.....Amazing weekend....Super happy I got this opportunity. Trust you'll be seeing more from me down the line.

Remember.....Carrying everything isn't the safest way to go. I hope you all learned a lesson....

Thanks again!
This weekend was AWESOME!

First off, huuuuuuuge THANK YOU NPCs!!! You guys rocked all weekend!


- I think Waylay is my second favorite skill in the game (to Archery, of course). It's just so satisfying to pull off.
- Barran folks! It was a huge relief for Ike to see a Scorpion Healer in wherever-he-was (Icenia). And also now he'll hopefully have some people to hang with if the Mists take him to Fury Falls.
- Wayday was cute with all the games. "KOBOLDNADO! WEEEEEEEEE!" Good stuff, Plot!
- The Red Phantom stuff was intriguing too! I'm interested to see where this goes.
- Getting to know Vicky, Row (sp?), Kailani and Avernorn while we were dealing with the above. I don't know what we would have done if Izer hadn't given us some direction with that.
- Seeing Rex's dark side come out.
- Susie Lee! Kujo is hilariously fun to interact with. Thanks for putting up with me, dear.
- Helping resurrect the people who were in the party-wipe. I'm glad nobody pulled black!
- The Klein brothers! You guys didn't even seem like first-timers! I love the enthusiasm you put into all of your roles!
- Thank you so much Heidi, Geoff, and Angel for helping me when I pulled my shoulder. Feels way better now.
- Sunday morning, getting food and drink and trying to still be a part of town despite the elephant in the room (Rhinokin in the room?)
- Being tracked in the woods thereafter. Baldur (sp?): "We're trying to flush out a rogue. Not gonna be easy." And yes Val, Rhinokin (at least this one) do like bananas.

Good times! I can't wait to play Ike again! (Probably August Gettysburg!)
Favorites from the Darkside:

Man, two NPC events in a row, I wonder if I remember how this PC thing works. Thanks to all my fellow NPC's! Your attitude and energy were wonderful. Thanks to staff for keeping that energy channeled into an event everyone could enjoy and thank to the targets...I mean Players for doing all those crazy things that I do. With no further ado:

Ash Forest: After spending the beginnings of Friday night waylaying the begeebers out of people all I hear is my team up on the hill saying "pull back to the light pull back to the light do not chase...." I see no one else there and charge the hill myself. They see me, their eyes go wide and they hold their ground. On well placed flame bolt from my young apprentice later and they have treasure and I could not be more proud.

Not getting face slapped as my MWE. Really though the round of winsome giggles was worth it.

Walking into Camp after my Kobold Assignment and walking up to Colin and Sam, looking down and just smiling. Which led to:

Baron Lord Azure of Shiney Moon! Complete with flower Kobold (Joe, and Mike thank you so much)
--Can I have your shield? It matches my tabard!

The looks on PC's faces when right after smirking behind the protection auras they let the kobolds behind them and 10's and assassinates start to flow.

Actually parrying a Waylay, "No"

The Kobold Necromancer..."All hail the green fuzzy semi translucent gemlike boney thing, no....wait....Jade Skeleton!"

Same Kobold necromancer getting his forces to line up before the final wave battle as the PC's stroll about in usual PC fashion. "I have a better line than you have"

Doing breakfast in the Kitchen. I know its work, but its really fun hang out time and I always get my coffee.

Honor Combats! To include "really...you want to fight while I am weaknessed? Wonderful" And the Scott hands me the Longsword I had made for him....

Getting me some of Tracys Tail

Getting to fight with Chad and Quigley. Gentlemen, it is always a joy!

Being on the same field as Colin and Sam and wondering, if we could get Laguna Dorian and Simon to together....

See you all in August.

Joe Siegel
Resident Jerk
Had a great event! (this is being posted after a night a shenanigans as seen on facebook so bare with me)

- Angel you did an amazing job! You kept going through the weekend and were rock solid in everything you gave out!
-Teaching Angel to do a trap mod on friday then on sunday her and Dan went and did an awesome one there selves...i'm so proud of my little trapping apprentices!!

-Playing the elder and the random jibber jabber as he tries to tell the story of wayday.

-The return of Pippin!! It was so much fun seeing people the knew pippin.

-Sending out a gorbe killing gnoll.

-Running my first mod! was so much fun!

-Running monster desk for part of the weekend so Colin could go play! I hope I did well.

-Koboltnado! i got so dizzy.

im sure there are more but my brain has the dumb right now!
So many things!

- First a big thanks to plot for my role. Strange feeling to play Izer and not being able to charge into combat. Equally strange feeling not being on the ground bleeding out all weekend too.

- PCs! You guys were amazing. Great roleplay, clean fights, beautiful costumes. Plus I was blown away by how many players actively sought out and pursued the plot points of the weekend, no force feeding required.

- Holy freeking pole arms! Once you guys team up, Kobolds go down quick.
Along with that, so many proffs so many big swings. Lowbie? What Lowbie?

- Crafty PCs making their own mods... you know who you are...

- The in game weapon rep store. Nice selection, good prices, very convenient! Thanks guys.

- George Lucas

- NPCs, my brothers in black, it was great rolling with you. So much respect for these guys and gals!

- Bill and all he does. On that note, if you can, please help keep the committee funded.

- Koboldnado... stuff that randomly comes from me and Collin talking stupid. Power and lack of sleep equals awesome.

- Dave E. Thanks for letting Izer put his size 11s upside your arse all weekend long. Do you accept physical roleplay? Damn right you do!

- Prostitutes in game. Its about as R rated as HQ gets, but it still makes me smirk.

- Chris and Angel. You both went at this Hard. Angel wrote and directed a amazing event. Chris kept alot of the behind the scenes running smooooth. Thanks and hats off to you both.

- Having Izer and Cullin realize they think on the same page. It only took us to both guest star NPC to realize it.

- The ever constant " so Izer, your on Blythsdale right?" Followed by "whats a stormblade?" Ah, new blood. So many head drops and sighs.

Ok I know Im forgetting ALOT but it will need to wait. Till next time guys!