July Event Pot Luck Sign Up

So far I only know of two crock pots that are going to be in use ......is there anyone else that will need a hookup for one as I have to make sure there are sufficient outlets ready..........thank you
Maybe bringing sweet fruit crumble bars instead of pie. Expect some sort of wheat and fruit dessert.
Also bringing unreasonably spicy tortilla chips.
I would like to grill some hotdogs on my grill, with buns, ketchup, mustard, and relish. I want to make sure Deb (Site Owner) is ok with me bringing my gas grill. I could use it in the parking lot, out of game. I also plan on bringing a pan of brownies.

A.k.a. Tal (That elf)
Mac and cheese will be served cold. Cracker jack is cracker jack.
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