

For the first time since the mysterious mists opened upon a land we once thought was alone in the universe, my dreams are expanded and I can feel a thousand minds like mine, all dreaming in the realms beyond.

My name is Otho and I am a satyrine sorcerer of the kingdom of Nine Towers. I am a loyal hand of the Prince's guard in the new township of Oldcliffe, an ally of the Venificus Order of monks, and a servant to all that stand against those who abuse, misuse and defy the natural laws of magic and of the planet itself.

Please, if you comprehend my dream, reach out to me. My land seeks your wisdom, and I, your guidance. I require a beacon through the mists.
Who... what? My dream cannot stop dreaming you. What guidance you need? Maybe me offering guidence helps me in the way I need. Maybe that is my part.

I am Ragnarok, grandson of Hroaldr. What guidance you need?

Hello Otho,

First of all, I am sorry you're a sorcerer, unless you mean healer. If you practice fairy magic I suggest you stop, it corrupts people and is generally bad. Fairy magic is against these natural laws of magic, and is bad for reasons too many for me to go into without people near where you sleep thinking you had gone into a coma. Your dream has a lot of words I don't know. What is a Venificus and a Monk? I don't know what wisdom your land needs, but answer my questions and I will answer yours.

-Dorgun the Curious Osprey
So many minds! I shall be long at my study when I awaken from this dream.

Ragnarok: You seem so, so very far away, even through the mists. If I could travel to you, I would greatly appreciate a friendly face, and a guide so that I do not fall victim to ignorance of the law or of the land.

Dorgun the Curious Osprey: Unfortunately for everyone, what you call "fairy magic" runs through my veins. It is monstrous, I know, but since I cannot in safety spill my blood until it runs no longer I must instead learn to control, command and suppress that which exists inside me. If I cannot be safe, I can at least be useful. The Venificus aid me in that - if ever I succumb to the power within me, they stand ready to strike me down and hunt me until I never resurrect again. Venificus monks are the stone elves and biata who are trained within a monestary to protect the citizenry from magical threats, and who police wizards and other spellcasters to ensure that their power is never abused.

I am glad to hear that there are others beyond the mist who distrust the power of magic. I would very much like to speak with you further about this.
Dirty magic in your blood? Oh, I could tell you STORIES about that. I have kind of the same problem. *HRRRRNNNNNGGGGHH* There! I think I've got our dreams linked so that we can privately dream at each other if you want.
That is an awful noise and I hated it.

- Sevaria of Goshawk
Sorry, I'm still learning how to do these things.

Dorgun the loud Ospery

Dorgun and his people distrust Celestial magics only. They feel it is a perversion of the natural order of things. I have yet to meet any of the Besh who distrust magic derived from the Earth. If you and your people are afflicted in some way perhaps there is some aid we may render.

Prolon L'ar
Shaman of the Skulltaker Tribe
Friend Prolon!

It has been many a moon since we discussed how conversations can be maces or swords, and I have made it my goal to be as obtuse as possible so that nobody has trouble understanding me! You are a little bit wrong though. We don't like Fairy Magic or Necromancy. Healing's ok though.

Dorgun, wielder of truth-hammers

I will be traveling to Fairedale soon enough. Should I find you there I would enjoy another conversation greatly. I apologize for the lack of clarity in my response. Most of the Besh also abhor necromancy as well. I will only say that while my people feel that any and all magic that takes away will is evil, we do not believe it to be "unnatural". Our biases do not dictate the truths of the universe.

In good health,
Shaman L'ar,

My land has suffered much misery, misfortune and death over the past several millennia, and all of it is due to the misuse of magic from both schools. Many dark chapters exist in our history, and virtually all of those chapters begin with the phrase, "Magic was unleashed." Because of this, it has long been the prevailing wisdom here that magic is a dangerous force that cannot be eradicated and therefore must be very tightly controlled.

I have explained to many spellcasters over the last seven or so years (ever since I myself was saved from a life of woe and magical misconduct) that while necromancy itself is the primary and foremost offense when it comes to corrupt magic use, it is possible for ANY spellcaster to use magic to coerce others into doing the caster's bidding, and worse, not even particularly difficult. It is a simple trick for a sufficiently skilled celestialist such as myself to dominate the mind of an earthtender and force them to pervert their own magic into necromantic energy. In doing so, not only have I created a necromancer of another person, but I myself am equally if not more guilty of casting a necromantic spell.

Since I dreamed this dream, I have already communed with many, and have learned that in lands beyond my own you are blessedly free of the possibility of what we call a "breach," which is a literal tear in the fabric of reality caused by the casting of necromancy. From these breaches, elemental enemies and evil beings from other planes enter our world and seek to do harm to all who love life, order and justice. Particularly potent breaches can mean the sudden and final non-existence of entire swaths of land and all those who once dwelled within; in short, it is nothing less than a calamity that can be caused by even the simplest perversion of a light curing spell. It is my fervent wish that none who live outside of the mists ever experience it.

If you wish to aid my people directly, there is always a need for the skilled, the brave, and the just to stand with us against the encroaching darkness. If instead you would render assistance to those who stand... I will pass through the mists myself, and I seek much knowledge.
Wait... You be sky caster? Sky magic is bad. Very bad all it does is make suffering. I've seen sky casters tried to do good but I see their future in my fortune stones. They doomed to bad things. Sky magic kills. Sky magic almost killed me.

It's also true. I'm far away. Even in the mists. I have traveled them a lot when I was younger. I now in a land called Gaden but maybe one day I travel mists again and I tell you then why sky magic so bad.


A number of people from Gaden are coming to Wayside through the mists, for a market day this weekend. If you're joining them, I would be more than happy to talk with you.


What wisdom do you seek, on what subject? Feel free to contact me privately.

Circle Master Eric Marsters
Circle Master of Fairfax and Briarpass
Greater Earth Guild of Wayside

While I wish I could meet you there I have tiny war to wage in Gaden. Maybe later this year I will find time and we can argue long into night about sky magic.

As for sky magic wisdom, why I need more? I already know all the ways it can kill me, break my mind, break my body, all the ways it hurts me when it says its protecting me.

So many dreams buzzing in da ears, Ragnarok I ask that you don't speak bad of Otho. He stood the line with me as we fought to hold the breachspawn Horafrost from da Earth Circle, he also closed da breach to stop the spawn from coming back. He fought like Legion. My name Hogrim Earthblade, I be Visok-saman of Da Nine Tower Legion, Captain of da Town Guard in Oldcliff. If you wish to come help through the mist, seek me out in da town. I will help you understand as best I can. You will find me near da Earth Circle most times.
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I no speak bad. I just say sky magic bad. I have to doubt of his honor, only the danger of sky magic. I maybe come meet you through mists, but not soon.


It was a pleasure to talk with you recently. You did your people proud. If allowed and if you wish to I will teach you in the future. I hope the best for you and your people. I hope for security and prosperity.

In service,
Sir Marcusagrim Anvilstrike
The StormHeart

Did your walk through the mist find anything da can help us here, or people who be willing to travel da mists to come stand da line with us? I'm glad to hear you did us proud, for now all is quiet here in Oldcliffe. We wait to see what comes of da talks between da Crown Prince and da Royal Court of Renlatha. Be safe in your travels.

-Captain Hogrim Earthblade.
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