Havok, Durk, or Noni


In my recent travels, I have met one of your kin. I haven't gotten his name, but his polearm swings true enough for me to remember. I get the impression he is fairly new to these lands.

Will any of you be attending the up-coming market day? I think he is looking for some more experienced fighters to help show him some technique.


Ya talkin bout Garmok Stoneskull Rockfist? Big Guy Green, single tusk, black and green armor? He's not really "new" ta dese lands he's actually been around a few years he jest might look it next ta Durk, Noni, and Havok who are gittin kinda long in da tooth :) and benifit from dose years of experience as warriors and defenders of their tribe.

Stoney is lookin fur more lessons of da kind dat I'm ill equiped ta teach him being not a good fighter and all dat.

It wuz nice ta meet ya last market day but troubles at home keep me from travelin da mists. If deres anything I kin send ya please let me know soon and I'll try ta arrange it with da merchants guild. I will travel ta da marked day in da last month of summer until den good luck ta ya and sloan.


Jehan Wyldweaver
Oh nay, Jehan. I remember Rockfist. A fine warrior indeed. This orc is very new to these, and all, lands. He was a bit wary of showing up to town as a member of a savage race. I assured him that he was not the first, and that he would be welcome to town.

It was nice to meet you as well, Jehan. Sloane and I are looking for ways to arrange travel through the mists as well. Perhaps we can travel out to you over the summer.

Safe Travels,


Durk and I will be there. We would be happy to help your friend learn his true strength as is necessary for all orcs. I believe Havok is skilled with polearms or something similar. Hopefully he will be able to offer assistance as well.

Safe Travels
Havok can not seem to frequent this area. So I will respond for him for ya. He is always glad to teach people anything he can about fighting and skills. It makes him happy to teach. The only advice I can give you if you learn from Havok....never break eye contact :). Hope that helps.

Guildleader House of Games
I will second that... DO NOT BREAK EYE CONTACT and I would add that I am still trying to figure out if all Orc urine can penetrate circles of power....or just Havoks.

Bob the Blacksmith
I'll show your Orc friend how to hit stuff with Havok and Noni, Idris.

Should be good Orc times. Smelly, dirty, Orc times....
