Dragonreach Advisement


Delivered by a lightly armored courier on horseback. He pulls one parchment from a stack many just like it, nails it to the board, and moves swiftly down the road passing through town.

Dragonreach Advisement

To All citizens of Dragonreach.

In addition to expected increased elemental incursions due to an Elemental Malestrom, there have been wide reports of other strange occurrences. . Beware the following:

Elementals are appearing everywhere in the world randomly. They are battling anything they come across, including each other.

Creatures and objects of all types are randomly being removed from their homes and rifted, often temporarily, to other locations. Even inside fortifications and city walls. This phenomenon has included citizens of Dragonreach. If this happens to you remain calm and seek shelter. Many have reported eventually returning home after a significant wait. Report missing loved ones to your local magistrate and nobility.

Astrologers and ritualists state that this storm extends the entire length and breath of Kundirk. Stay among your fellow citizens, seek the shelter of your cities, and report any and all sightings of dangerous beings to your local nobility. Do not panic, do not make for open country, there is no where safer than with each other.

Strength and Luck to us all.
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