August Fair Day- Family Event- How are we managing two sets of rules?


I’m sure many of you are wondering how we will be making our experimental Family Event work, well, wait no longer!

First and foremost, there will be two completely separate rules sets in play during the event (the Kid’s Rules and the standard Alliance Rules), but at no point will both rules sets be in play at one time.

During those times when the standard Alliance Rules are in effect (which is the default) all children are Pages.

During those times when the Kid’s Rules are in effect (which will occur during the specific Kid’s Module and at various other points during the day as determined by Plot) all adults have no skills and will be expected to stay out of combat situations. Plot will specifically announce these time periods and provide a specific prop for the children so they have a visual indicator that “their powers” can be used.

For the ease of our younger players, we will be using the same Kid’s Event rules originally written by Alliance Crossroads, with a few tweaks.

Kids Event Rules

Children Stats:
All children have a total of 5 body points, see below.
Skills that are not unlimited can be reset after a 1-minute meditation period. Children must concentrate/role play studying (for scholars) or stretching (for rogues), etc. for 1 minute to reset their limited skills. There is no limit to how often this occurs.

Combat Skills:
All damage swings are 1 point, unless called differently; for example, the skill slay will deal more damage. Damage calls are not necessary for hits to count.
All classes get 3 skills for their selected class, plus their 1 racial ability, which will either count as a 4th skill or stack with a skill they already possess.

Engaging in combat:
Players engaged in combat may take up to three swings against any one target at a time. These are counted swings that are counted out loud/spoken as they are swung. Ie: a fighter takes a swing and counts “1;” on their next swing at the same target, they call “2.” After reaching a count of “3” in engaging a single target, the player must pause and either move to a new target, or count out three seconds before reengaging.

Changing skill sets during the event:
Due to the abridged timeline of our event compared to prior use of these rules, we will not be supporting the ability to change skills during the event.

Available Skills:

Healing Hands:
- Healing spell that provides 1 point of healing per incant.
- “I call upon the earth to heal your body.” Thrown or touch recipient with packet.

Magic Blast:
- Deals 1 point of damage to target per incant/packet thrown. Caster has 10 packets per reset of skill.
- “I call forth a magic blast.”

- Acts as a fear; recipient must run away and be afraid of caster.
- Fear effect lasts as long as caster is appropriately role-playing a big, scary monster.
- Incant for casting a Fear spell is “Magic fear.”

- Binding spell that causes the recipients feet to be stuck to the ground.
- Recipient of spell can rip out of their binding on a three-count.
- Incant for casting a Glue spell is “Magic glue.”

- In order to enter a fortress, player must plant feet and raise their hands above their head.
- Incant to activate fortress is “Magic fortress.”
- Player may stay in fortress indefinitely. Requirements to do so are the feet must not move, hands must stay raised above their heads, and player role plays being in a fortress, or being safe from monsters.
- Cannot be a target of a weapon or spell attack.

- Delivers 5 points of damage to recipient.
- Call for slay is: “I slay you.”
- Player has 1 slay per reset of skill. Player may have an additional slay due to racial abilities.

- Negates one weapon attack of choice.
- To use Parry, player calls “Parry” in response to a weapon attack.
- Player has 1 parry per reset of skill.

- Negates one weapon or spell attack of choice.
- To use dodge, player calls “dodge” in response to any one weapon or packet attack.
- Player has 1 dodge per reset of skill. Player may have an additional dodge due to racial abilities.

- Skills allows player to render a target unconscious (0 body points).
- Must use waylay safe weapon (pommel of weapon must have open cell foam)
- Player must tap the back shoulder blades of target, calling “waylay.”

Classes offered to players:
Pre-made class cards will be available for players to choose from at the event. Older children who wish to adjust their skills may do so. All players will have three skills.

- 1 Slay
- 1 Parry
- Weapon Master/Style Master

- 1 Dodge
- Waylay
- One Handed Weapon Master

- One Handed Weapon Master/Style Master
- Spell Options (Choose 2):
o 5 Healing Hands
o 5 Fear
o 5 Magic Blast
o 5 Glue
o 5 Fortress

Battle Mage:
- Unlimited Glue
- Unlimited Fortress
- 10 Magic Blasts

- Unlimited Healing
- Unlimited Fortress
- Choose 1:
o 10 Glue
o 10 Fear

Races and benefits:
Races will provides players with an additional skill, depending on the race chosen to play. These skills will either stack with their class skills or provide players with a fourth skill.

High Orc, High Ogre, Sarr: 1 slay
Hobling: 1 dodge
Mystic Wood Elf, Biata: 5 healing hands
Dwarf: 1 extra body point
Elf, Stone Elf, Dark Elf: 5 magic blasts
Gypsy: 5 fears
Barbarian: 1 extra body
Dryad: 5 glues
Scavengers: Choice of 1 racial ability that best fits with type of scavenger being played. (example: a chipmunk scavenger might get 1 dodge as their racial ability.)

Experience (this is new to CT)-
As several campaigns have held children’s events, we suspect that a number of our child characters may have adventured before. To represent this, if a character has been played before, it has 6 hit points (7 if it is a dwarf or barbarian).