A message in your dreams

As you drift off to sleep a vision comes to you through the dreamscape.

A purple glow fills the fog of the dreamscape, slowly sharpening coming into focus as two glowing horns. A voice speaks but the owner never fully comes into view. You feel a warmth wash over you, but those who may recognize the horns feels a hint of sadness as well.

"Those who traveled to voridium may remember the Mystic Wood Elf named Jinn, and I do hope those who remember me will hold me in favour. I will be arriving within your lands in a couple weeks, in search of a friend who has been missing for a few months. I bring news from home, much of it sad, but do carry some good news as well. I hope to be welcomed into new acarthia and seek a place to stay for a few days while I search for my dear friend. Goodbyes are hard enough for a Mystic Wood Elf, but not getting them is even worse, so I find myself mist walking to ensure that they are safe and happy.

If you consider yourself a friend, or want to warn me of any threats that I may encounter in your lands that I may not be accustomed to please reach out to me through the dreamscape. Until then I hope you are well... and Kumari, I hope to find you.

The purple horns slowly fade back into the mists of the dreamscape...
The hazy mists of the dreamscape hover just behind your eyes as you drift off. They call to you this night, fiercely tugging at your mind as you finally give way to rest for the evening.

These dreams are filled with misty forests shrouded by storms. Wind whips through the trees and the sounds of rain and thunder hit the canopy above you. Yet you are not unsettled. Rather, this storm feels comforting despite its ferocity.

The winds howl and whip through you all the same, oddly cold even for this time of year. A sudden flash of yellow catches your eye but it is gone a moment later. The sounds of cracking branches, and.. Is that... Purring... Can be heard from whence the movement came.

"I'm waiting Brother." The familiar voice begins to fade away just as you begin to leave the dream. "I will be there."

You aren't really sure what that dream was all about. But you are filled with a particular sensation, that this storm is here to stay.
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