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  1. S

    EVENT REVIEW: "Not in Calanda Anymore Toto..." - October 2016

    1. Post your favorite moments -Trick-or-Treaters, the costumes were adorable. I'm so sorry I forgot candy for you guys twice. D: -Every big fight I was involved in this weekend was well-executed by the NPCs! Thanks to you dudes and dudettes. I definitely need to get up to snuff again in terms...
  2. S

    Killing Time

    "Mmm?" Valka looks up and smiles in greeting "I'm well enough, Garridan. No thanks to that mission you mentioned" she lets out a long sigh and waves a barmaid down, "another if you don' mind, miss". "The place was well and truly abandoned, which was lucky for us, not a one of us with healing...
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    Killing Time

    Valka yawned, slouching at a table in the Ogre's Head tavern, just a few more things to finish up, she swirled her ale with a sigh before downing the last of it. The hope was that the person she was waiting on would show up prior to the caravan departing. The road waits for no one and there was...
  4. S

    Dungeon Run 2015 Schedule

    Heyo! Just making it official that Valgarda (me), Kalin (Linden) and Flavius (I think, Cale's new character regardless) will be joining Evo on the team exploring Kara Vale's mine!
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    Event review for Thanks for Giving

    Favorites: -The mansion mod was very well constructed and so much fun to wander around in. I wanted to make sure we hit every room in the mansion so as not to miss anything cool or funny! -Abbey's cooking was phenomenal this weekend! -Habibs! I was actually completely unsurprised that they were...
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    Somewhere in the Mists.

    The group is gone, alone I walk the mists. Do I walk in circles or am I making headway to a destination? Keep walking forward step after step. Ignore the sounds in the mist, ignore the crushing sense of isolation, ignore the fear clawing its way up my throat. I am strong, I am brave. Runes...
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    Pre registration for Nationals 2014

    What is this "card received" business? Did I miss something? Edit: Can I still pre-pay via paypal?
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    Sign Up Sheet for Tavern Help

    Put Shirleen McDonald (ig:Valgarda Rotasdottir) down for Saturday lunch prep please!
  9. S

    Event review "Festival of Crows"

    The good: -TROLLBALL! I want to get good at it, so much fun. -The variety of merchants we had, made the place feel so alive with Yetta, Clover and Kumari as well as Wally each with equally awesome things to legally plunder our purses and leave us happy! -Seeing all of the camaraderie between the...
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    Team Needs Members Badly!

    OUR TEAM IS FULL! Thanks everyone! <3 Hi there Adventurers! Our team for the Festival of Crows has three slots left open and no name yet. Our current lineup is Kalin Martini(rogue and trapsmith), Marcus Quinn(alchemist) and Valgarda Rotasdottir(fighter). If you'd like to join up with us, send...
  11. S

    Near the Cabins

    Valka stretched with a yawn, morning sun warming her from above. Markus and Kalin had gone about whatever business merchants get up to and without anyone to guard she was getting restless. Aside from the incursion of the odd gnoll all had been quiet in the breach for the last few days. She...
  12. S

    Event Review "Once More Unto the Breach"

    1. Post your favorite moments -Gnolls stirring **** up by letting the horses loose in the middle of the night, horses in /my/ tavern? It's more likely than you think -The general immersiveness of the game itself. As a new player I wasn't quite sure what to expect, but when you're willing to be...