WEEKEND REVIEW: "The Gambit" (JULY 2017)

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Another month in the fort, and always the trouble seems to follow the Breachers...


Quick turnaround this time! Please have IBGAs and MI picks in by August 5th.
**NPCs - Do not post here. Let us know if you had any highlights or concerns in the NPC FB group. Thanks! **

1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews get you 15 Goblin Stamps, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
1. Post your favorite moments
-The Deck of Many Things. It was AWESOME. I like to do reckless things in game...and the DoMT is the most reckless thing you can do. It was fun, hilarious, and it worked out pretty ok for me.
-The underground forest mod. That was just really cool and well set up. And the ending....oh man.
-The final fight was fun! Hectic and scary, but a blast.
-The weapons cache mod was also good fun. It was an interesting twist on "Go and get the thing and kill some things while you're there"
-Seeing other people get in trouble for once
-The RP with everyone...highlights with Evo and Kumari.
-The floating sword was a cool mod. I was legit worried we were going to have to leave two people to die.
-Seeing some lairs I wrote go out.
-Waking up in the middle of the night, stretching...and feeling the wall. I pancked, thinking I was in a box or something. It's funny in hindsight.
-The sandwiches!
-Getting to give Bogar and Shatravar a piece of my mind. It was also nice to not hear 'dammit Ruki' once this weekend (besdies OOG)
-Some of our new players have just been awesome.
-Getting a really cool ritual.
-That we didn't have to hunt down a marshal and all the people in our cabin to get our ward up.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
-Being poor now <_<
-My ankles hurt
-I think I have a sun burn

3. What you would like to see more of
-More things that are high risk/high reward like the Deck of Many Things

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Ruki handed his things to Evo, he had heard rumors about the deck of many things and he didn't want to risk losing all of his possessions, magical or otherwise. It was likely a stupid idea to draw from the deck, but he just had to know...curiosity and all that. It was Talon's turn to draw, and when he did...he vanished....and he had followed Ruki's lead of handing his valuables to those who were not drawing from the deck.

"Do you want your sword?" Evo asked.

"I want A sword," Ruki said, still shocked. "Siegart, can I borrow your sword please?"
1. Favs
The Deck of Many Things was great. Painful for me, but great.
I really love how pretty the Underground Forest was. Also running and screaming is always a good way to end a mod, right?
I had some really lovely interpersonal rp which is always a bonus for me.
Becoming a librarian!
Blowing everything in a final battle.
Lessons from a Baron :)

2. Less Favs
I don't know if it was just this weekend or has been this way for a while, since I've been away but the infernal speak seems a bit heavy again (don't get me wrong, the rp is great but when things slipped lately they seemed to really slip, esp. during downtime and I was as guilty as anyone)
Are more instamod writers needed? I miss seeing them out. I'll try to remember to submit some.
Why did I choose a wig?!

3. More of
Those cucumber sandwiches at the reception <3
I'll second Randy on the high risk/high reward things. But also something similar to the deck but with strong rp (even if only temporary) consequences

4. A moment in time
On the cool floor of the Fort's tavern, Adeline Primrose Zou D'etoiles sat and transcribed a ritual scroll. She was pleased as could be that she had been entrusted with this task. Though she rarely spoke of it, this was something she adored doing, working with ink and paper and knowledge...not to mention magic. It was, indeed, a large reason she had also pursued astronomy.
The Selunari had already finished with the words and their strange characters and had moved on to the sigils. She looked up as the slow, hitching step of her mentor approached and she smiled. His own smile caused a flutter in her chest but she was not one to admit to such things, not unless she wrapped it in bravado first. As he sat on the bench nearby, the scholar idly leaned against his leg, lifting her work to show him.
"How's it going?" The Tari Nor asked.
"I am nearly finished. I have but these dot..." Zoe's words trailed off as realization hit her like a trap in a northman's face. "These are constellations, faded yes, but there is no mistaking." Excitement rose in her tone. "Evo gave me maps of some earlier for my studies!"
And with a jingle and a shimmy, the selunari was up and beckoning her mentor along. "Maybe some will match and we can find a pattern!"
1. Post your favorite moments
Isawda actually got to make a few strikes with his sword. Honest! :)
OOG Scarlet made a perfect visit to me on a CS concern. Came in upset, took a breath, worked through the issue from both sides while I nodded a few time, and then resolved it pretty much by himself, and walked off calmly. Outstanding!

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I agree with Ember than there are times when the is a significant amounts of infernal speaks in a couple of physical locations. Also some going out of game to do things that could just as easily be done in game. Please be in character as much as possible, speak in character as much as possible. If I drift call me on the Infernal speech at the time and get us back on track.

3. What you would like to see more of
Me doing a better job of anticipating what Plot is hoping for from the PCs.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Isawda closed his log with a smile of satisfaction. The Circle had never been so strong, and several great blades had expressed a possible interest in joining to bolster their martial arms. Given the strength and character of those blades, that would greatly enhance the parties the Earth Circle could call on in defense of the Fort.
1. Post your favorite moments
The dryad caravan is awesome. I almost left with them. I think I would fit in pretty well. Although it may be better if they were sober sometimes.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I understand that it is desired to have us walking around a bit while we go for the Wild run. Would it be possible to have the radio for the Wild run by the tavern. We went to the wild run a few times to find out that all the NPCs were out of Monster camp doing something else. Because of this we miss what happen as we were out of town and we may have people who have difficulty walking or other concerns and they may not necessarily be able to walk to the wild a couple more times.

3. What you would like to see more of

I really appreciated that were able to roleplay a few situation without killing anything. There were a few different was depending on the situation to work this out.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
The dryad was looking at the wedding ceremony with curiosity. This is nice to unite people. Oh apparently they get to do all of those nice things when they are married. Rock climbing , fist bumping, exploring etc. Maybe I should get married then. Suddenly Kai throws a beautiful bouquet of flowers. What is happening I'll keep it if she does not want it. He then stand up and run to catch the bouquet. Everyone looks at him and then they tell him he will be the next one to get married. It appears there is a believe that the one who gets the bouquet is the next one to get married. Then started a new quests. Finding someone to get married with. Unfortunately, most people did not seem interested in getting married until he talked to Ruth. She advised that she may consider it if they get to know each other. They spent some time together and went to explore together.
I understand that it is desired to have us walking around a bit while we go for the Wild run. Would it be possible to have the radio for the Wild run by the tavern. We went to the wild run a few times to find out that all the NPCs were out of Monster camp doing something else. Because of this we miss what happen as we were out of town and we may have people who have difficulty walking or other concerns and they may not necessarily be able to walk to the wild a couple more times.

We only had one Wyldrun that we could not do at the time. There were a few things we will work with on the Plot side to ensure that does not happen again. The entire reason to have the radio out there is 2 fold. 1: make you folks get out and move, and 2. Have a permanent place for the radio. Having it in the tavern defeats both of those things. The idea of letting players just walk around with a radio is worrisome for me. What it were dropped, the PC with it goes back to their cabin, forgetting they have it? What if it does not get placed back in the same spot in the tavern? These are just a few of the reasons that it will never be in the tavern.

Hope that helps!
1. Post your favorite moments
I had an excellent event this weekend as always,
The dojo training on Saturday morning went especially well and I was super happy to see so many individuals interested in giving it a shot :)
The deck of many things, Although there were a few of us that were left a bit worse for wear, crazy experiences and wacky magic are a cornerstone of what I feel a LARP should involve. That one event effected my RP for the rest of the event and really encouraged me to start thinking more about what constitutes a justifiable risk.
Big shout out to our Mistwalking friend Darrius, I really enjoyed all the conversations we had about his lands and what he thought of ours. I hope one day to be able to visit the civilized lands of Acarthia :)

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
There were a few moments where I feel like the strength of my RP was slipping significantly either due to in game or out of game situations. This is an issue I want to work on personally and by no means the fault of anyone else.

3. What you would like to see more of
More wackiness, I feel that the strange and unusual fits so well with LARP and the strangest stories are always the best ones to tell and retell :)

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Elwynd stood before the strange man and his mysterious deck of chance. Some of his friends had already drawn before him and received all manner of bizarre boons and banes. He briefly considered stepping out of the line and refusing his opportunity to claim a card. This thought was quickly overcome by his curiosity. The dealer spoke "One card, two cards or no cards." Elwynd ignored his instincts and responded without hesitation "One card."

The young elf reached down towards the deck and drew. Turning the card over he glanced at the words printed on the face, "THE BROKEN ONE". His mind reeled with shock as the words before him on the card became unrecognizable. The myriad spells he had prepared that morning began to muddle themselves within his brain filling his consciousness with a fog of unknown runes and magic symbols.

Elwynd looked up from the table to face his friends, all just as curious as he had been to understand the effects of the card. "I don't think I can understand letters anymore, let alone magic." he took a deep breath and cracked a pained smile "I suppose now's as good a time as any to work on my martial skills."
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We only had one Wyldrun that we could not do at the time. There were a few things we will work with on the Plot side to ensure that does not happen again. The entire reason to have the radio out there is 2 fold. 1: make you folks get out and move, and 2. Have a permanent place for the radio. Having it in the tavern defeats both of those things. The idea of letting players just walk around with a radio is worrisome for me. What it were dropped, the PC with it goes back to their cabin, forgetting they have it? What if it does not get placed back in the same spot in the tavern? These are just a few of the reasons that it will never be in the tavern.

Hope that helps!
Thank you Cory. That helps a lot. The second time we went the Radio was not there anymore so we never got a chance to call in. We saw pretty much all the NPCs coming down as we were walking back to town.
1. Post your favorite moments

meeting the baron, getting to know my fellow Tari-Nor better, having the chance to use my taxidermy skill, and having people ask me if I would like to join them on mods and adventures. My timing seemed better for this event as I was able to have many adventures, and not arrive at the end of them like I did last event. The deck of many things was so fun! The curiosity and enjoyment of gambling worked out for me this time...

The interpretative dance in the rituals preformed by Evo, and hoping for the hallucinate and getting it during alchemy roulette were 2 of my fav's.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)

I only have 2 events under my belt, so I don't have anything I don't enjoy. The only thing is that I didn't take 1 handed edged :p I am not as good with a staff.

3. What you would like to see more of

danger and wackiness!

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

The sun had set and Jinn had decided to don his freshly acquired bear skin and join his new comrades by the fire. After a lull in the conversation Phal had mentioned alchemy roulette, asking if anyone was interested. Being a gambling man who was born with more then enough curiosity, Jinn helped gather 5 others and proceeded to the tavern. The rules were explained, the corks were removed, and the potions were downed. The taste of fresh strawberry's filled Jinn's mouth and a warm sensation flowed through his body. As he looked down at his arms, the fur was no longer a cloak, but HIS fur... where was he? Why were there fires burning? Who were these mostly furless beasts standing on 2 legs? He needed to be back in the forest, with his pack! Seeing an opening and feeling the cold air flow through it, he knew how to escape. Leaping to his feet and letting out the biggest ROOOOAAAAAARRRR his could, he ran out the door, through the courtyard, and out the gate into the forest...
1. Post your favorite moments
I really enjoyed the RP of the wall exploding and the issues it caused.
I had alot of fun rescuing the dryads.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
If you could heal my foot that would be great.......

3. What you would like to see more of
I enjoy big town issues. The attacking the fort was great.
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Sitting at the fire after charming Kumari and realizing I let her into the Sanctum circle willingly Cato wonders what will the Archmage do to me......How could I have been so stupid? Did I really take an amnesia potion willingly? Why would I have such a lapse of judgement? Should I just leave and go home? ...........No I need to face what I have done no matter what it is the only honorable thing to do..................
1. Post your favorite moments
I had a lot of these. Everything from the mundane act of pulling security on the busted walls, to the sleep mod during Nazrat's ritual, to even the legal proceedings that seem to have become commonplace sunday mornings (you bunch of crooks.) I think my favorite was probably alchemy roulette, winning six silver and then following Jack around as he did his best to get himself in trouble. It occurred to me that I was officially the best paid babysitter in the fort.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I slept like crap friday night but I don't know why. Does that count?

3. What you would like to see more of
Instamods. I think I saw two and the one I got threw me for a loop, had to really think how my character would react and by the time I figured it out things were happening again that got me all distracted.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
As he reached the bottom of the hill he looked over his shoulder, an action that had become second nature since reaching this part of the world, and beheld a curious sight. With a stream of expletives, a robed figure had just ran by at the top of the hill in the direction of the fort, followed shortly by a very large and angry looking Goblin. He raised his concerns to the members of his patrol, however almost immediately a multitude of shouts were raised in the fort. He was shortly thereafter treated to the sight of the Goblin running the opposite direction, uttering his own stream of expletives, with a mob of bloodthirsty adventurers in tow. The comedy of the situation seemed to have been lost on those who he related the tale to, perhaps one had to be there, but did it ever take a lot of effort to maintain his composure.
1. Post your favorite moments
This is by far, one of the more fun weekends for me. I liked being busy with some breaks in between (double hooking is slowly growing on me )
- Kai and Kumari's wedding (I cried- it was such a beautiful ceremony)
-Our run in with the bear (it was funny finding everything out after our fuzzy friend made his visit)
-Jinn being said bear while he was under the hallucinate affect
-seeing some more personal growth with Arlyne this month
-that big fight in the end was crazy fun. I like some of the battle tactics and the communication that was used. It really made me as a character believe that there's this huge baddie out there and that plans were made on the spot on where and how to attack.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
I dont think there is any.

3. What you would like to see more of
I wouldn't mind seeing an obstacle course or two. That would be fun to do

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
As Arlyne stands in the dark waiting for the rituals to be cast, she hears a rather obnoxious giggle and wings flapping behind her.
"Hehehe-your pretty..." the voice says..."I'm Ziblis...."
Arlyne turns and sees the imp with a mischievous grin on his face. "Hey check out what I can do..." the imp contours itself in a way that Arlyne couldn't believe could even happen. "Ummmm...." she says before Ziblis suddenly untangles himself and floats away, chuckling.
1. Favorites
As its pop'ed up twice now and now a third Deck of many things.
Getting to be a Crazed PTSD wild elf during my time as an npc for the wild hunters.
Licking the strange dream jellyfish thing.... and then forgetting why i have the taste of sadness and vomit in my mouth followed by wakeing up in the homegaurd barracks as if nothing happend. I literally got that whole fight sucked out of my head by the end of it I'm not sure if they were supposed to stack onto each other or just become ineffective after one has been done otherwise that was interesting.

2. less favorites
Nothing comes to mind entirely that isnt probably already being worked on or is controllable like the heat we cant control that

3. More of
Some of the stuff that has already been said.

4. From your character

Sigart finished drawing his cards and nothing bad seemed to have happened. "ill go next" talon said "how many cards" the man behind the table replied "two". Talon drew his first card The raven... he didnt feel any different but felt he needed to beat something in one on one combat. The man shuffled the deck afterwords then laid it out the same as before. Talon picked his next card it read the Dreadlord (i think thats what it was not 100% on that) before he could react he was rifted out to some other location with a slight yelp.

Meeting the Barron from the Denver chapter. I haven't met many people from other chapters and discussing the differences between our places of adventure was enlightening.
Fallowing an incentive looking glowing butterfly and finding myself on quite the adventure because of it was quite enjoyable.
Actually getting to go on the lair I signed up for because it didn't conflict with the wild hunters contract I signed up for.

Nothing to do with plot, but not knowing if I would be called into work on Saturday and have ting to run and check my phone every few minutes made it hard to stay emersed in the game.

Traps. I will have legerdemain next month and would like to try and disarm a few. I've seen more out in the last coulee months than the rest of the time I've been playing so hopefully the trend continues.


Talon - Could you teach me archery?

Warthorn - sure. *detaches short bow from back of shield, hands it and a few practice arrows to talon* now try to hit my shield

Talon - *draws bow and fires the arrow stright and true right into his foot.*

Warthorn - ok pull a bit harder on the draw string and try again

Talon - doesn't hit his foot this time but still misses the shield. Several attempts later he his the shield.

Warthorn - good hit a a couple more time then I will leave you to practice on your own time.

Talon gets a few more shots in and we call it good.

Mar - hey look talon you created a warthorn shaped spread of arrows behind warthorn.

Talon - yes, that was completely intentional *he said unconvincing* hey could you teach me to use thrown weapons too?

Warthorn - *looks back at the arrows and remembers the foot incident* yeah sure, lets just move over to the field.
1. Post your favorite moments
Meeting a very polite, very handsome, very blonde Hobling at the wedding reception, very well played.
Also, Hosting the wedding reception, and making the Brides' Dreams a reality.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
- I wont be making finger sandwiches for a long while lol..
- Mad at myself for being too tired to stay have adventures with my friends.

3. What you would like to see more of

as usual, more people who have their craftsman, show it. it would bring another dimension to the game. It would also help in those in between moments where us PC's have to entertain ourselves, and bring more depth to our characters.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Clover finally relaxed, the wedding went beautifully, she was proud of her new daughter and Daughter inlaw, remembering when Kai was a kit, play with the horses in the back field, and when Kumari was stealing banana bread off the counter with her little speckled paws.. it only seemed fitting that their hearts be entwined together.

Everything went splendidly, it was great to see New friends and old come together to celebrate. To have a good memory to carry rather than all the sad bitter memories they all had partaken of in the recent past. Things will get better, soon they would have a home again.. and a little bakery.. with flowers in window boxes and smells of cinnamon and sweet bread drifting thru open windows.. people laughing and enjoying eachother's company....<sigh>
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