The Waystones: A Tale


*The following dreaming is very pompous and loud in typical Radi fashion, but also filled with joy and laughter*

Hello everyone!

As you all may have noticed, the Waystones are dying. I have spent most of my time between gathers actually INSIDE the network, searching for the issue. This is of course due to MANY reasons, which I will explain later, but very simply they have been neglected. Have no fear though, for I am the Master of the Waystones! While I am in Terna, I will be channeling the extra energy and power that my ancestors have given me into the network itself. This will not only start to heal it and make the Waystones work again once more, but I will protect it. I also plan to make FANTASTIC improvements to the network in the process!

If you’re interested in learning the story of the Waystones, as well as see me use FANCY AND POWERFUL GYPSY MAGIC, feel free to join me at the Westhaven Waystone at the beginning of the next gather. I hope to see you there!

Safe Travels,
Banradi Irani Moduri
Master of the Waymaker Stones
Apprentice to Mathis – Order of the Emerald Flame

Also, I will be selling my Waystone Key that I created, as I have no need for it anymore. The Waystones now recognize my spirit and body as part of the network itself! Please feel free to send me a pigeon if you’re interested in it.
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Sent a message-

Well done.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Well done and I would most definitely love to learn see you soon.


Sent from my SM-T230NU using Tapatalk

That you for sacrificing that power and channeling it so that we may travel safely. When you suceed we will be in your debt.

May the Stars light your way and guide your path,

Lady FallingStar
It will be great to see you all there! Hopefully you can come too Liddia. :)

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Also Liddia,

I won't be sacrificing anything, other than perhaps a few months of "freedom", where I'll be inside the network healing, fixing, protecting, and repairing them during that time. Although I love being inside the network, so that's fine by me!

HA! I bet I could mess with people while they try to go places... I could send them somewhere else entirely! THAT'S FANTASTIC I LOVE THIS IDEA.


I have no idea how to use or how magic works. But if I can help. Let me know.


I may take you up on that!

Let's be real clear here though, I have absolutely NO idea what's going to happen. I know this will work, but that's about it. Oh! And permanent death. I mean I could, but I don't want to do that. Oh I'm rambling aren't I? Anyway, It's totally worth it though to fix the stones and use POWERFUL SCARY GYPSY MAGIC.

Instead of helping with this, I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE your help with putting up a stone on the Plane of Vacuum in Dragonreach at our first gather! I need as many people as possible for that. Especially fighters!

Hmmm... I hope I don't get stuck in the stones if I still want to do that! That'd be frustrating, but kind of funny though. HA!

Safe Travels,
* A mind chimes in that is bumbling and sparatic as Radi is loud *

Cousin I really must make a second trip down to Veyside and pin you down to pick your brain. Remember! Notes on vaccum!

Tuan volgen oketh uma!

And maybe Vaystones too.... To be immersed in magic....

Chaen aether vistas...

I should become a member of zhey Solar guild....

That's it!

- Beryl R.T.
Good luck pinning me down though! That's hard to do. Although I'd definitely stay to talk with you!

Haha! Yes! Hi Beryl! Please! Let us talk soon. I imagine we could talk for HOURS on these subjects.

What are those words you're saying? Or... At least some of them. They sound like nonsense!

Oh that reminds me! I need to go talk to the Solar guilds (especially Nicolai) and tell them to stop making imitations of the Waystone network. It's actually harming it, which is part of the reason why it's dying!

Safe Travels Cousin,
Hmm...? Oh zhe language is Siaru. Zhe first is a colloquialism translating directly to ' don't put a spoon in your eye over it ' and zeh second is just just some side calculations for a pet project of mine.

Sorry languages are hard. Zhey get mixed up if you know too many!

Haha! To me, the stones aren't Earth OR Celestial... They're just... The Waystone Network. Although, people who aren't as cool as me can use either Earth or Celestial formal to activate them. So I think you'd be fine if you hung around with me, but that's up to you.

At the very least, it'd be great to see you for the story! I promise you won't be disappointed at that.

Fancy! You'll have to teach me some when we talk. :)


If you have time this market day, I'd love to speak about the nature of the magics of the Waystone Network.

I have just finished writing down my tale for this evening... It is a total of six whole pages! Oh boy will this be grand. :)

Sounds great! If you can manage to track me down at the gather I will be happy to talk at length about the Waystones.
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