The Power of the Sun in the Palm of Your Hands


Chicago Staff

I will be in before lunchtime, I know, quite late for me, and I could use assistance from those with Earthen Knowledge to help perfect something I've been working on. It's just a small tiny little thing. I've been tasked by her Majesty to continue my research for the betterment of the Kingdom and an idea came to mind that may help quite a bit of folks.

So, I'm looking to take the power of the Sun and uses it's rays to purify necromatic: Items, Scrolls and Catalyst! Exciting right? Sure, you can recycle that energy with Toolkit of Convenience but that's truly removing the item to raw energy, I'm talking TRANSMUTATION!

I'll need folks to help out. Also bring any Necromatic Items or Scrolls you want to try Purifying. This could go well, or amazingly! I think I got all the kinks figured out.

Veronica Silver, Speaker of the Dead
Royal Court Healer of Gavaria