Thank you travelers

i would like to thank everyone for taking part in the battle against the syndicate. Lady Cyn and Sir Mathis your wise consul was very much appreciated. Quinn, Zane, Link and Cason, you guys held us together, even when the outcome was in jeopardy. Kudos on some genuine out-of-the-box thinking. Sir Neo and Sir Karstark, more steady adventures I have never met. That is only exceeded by Your Honor and courage. Naomi, Bob, Maxwell, Alhana, and Taios, You are everything I love about our guild. i don't get to travel often so I don't get so to see most of you nearly as often as I would like. Miss you bastards. To everyone else new allies and old, that battle was truly a group effort. Everyone played their parts and participated. It was definitely getting dicey at points during that fight but you held on. You have earned my respect and thanks.
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