September Healers Guild Meeting


Hello everyone,

There will be a healers guild meeting this coming Saturday, September 18th at two bells in the afternoon, or until Lord Galloway's meeting is over - whichever comes second. All members are expected to attend, and anyone interested is more than welcome to come see what we are all about. If you are a guild member and cannot be at the coming gather, then please let us know so we can have a rough estimate of the resources at our disposal. Any questions can be directed to Guildmaster Qui Jun-wu and I.

With Sincerity
~Guildmistress Keely Quinn Brenna-Erinelanath
Chiram's Hollow Healers Guild
Guildmistress Keely,

Unfortunately, I will be unable to be at the guild meeting. I will be with Lord Galloway for the meeting regarding the scroll and must depart shortly after. I also believe Azurieth will be unavailable, but I would confirm that with him.

- Avian
I do not think my master will let me out of the Center for a while. He caught me when I snuck out last time and was not pleased.
