Reminder: Trader coming, amethyst low


[Posted on the wall of the meeting house, in characteristic small handwriting on a small piece of paper]


This is just a reminder that the Trader should be coming around in about a month. Even though we can now get unusual goods from across the portal, that does not mean we should burn our bridges with our existing source. Keep a special eye out for the goods he likes over the next month, especially amethyst. Recent excitement has slowed our usual amethyst collection, so we have a lot less than usual.

Be sure to get what you gather either to me or the Mercators, and let us know what your family needs, so we can attempt to negotiate it from the Trader. While he is difficult to deal with, he is still our only method of getting certain supplies without relying on trade coming through the portal, and his trip has always been reliable in the past.

As always, come to me if you have any questions or concerns,
Elder Osmond