

Foss Siril
Jocelyn Raash, Maive Attwater, and Neheris Fairfax
Avacyn "Iron Rose"
Alistair Morgan and Amy Hale
Bart of Lifestorm and Fredrick Crawford
Jehan Wyldweaver and all remaining members of the Brotherhood of Lifestorm
Yolan Vassil, Clara Clawsome, Varsis Koshinari, and Nicolai Rudari Pendari
Eric Marsters, Liddia Fallingstar, Enan Bluewater, and Anto Koshinari
and lastly the coward Gregor Eisenhorn

You are all traitors to the Kingdom of Wayside, and you have each personally earned a place at the end of my blade. I will see each of you dead at my feet. I will taste of your heart’s blood. I will raise an army to burn the weakness and corruption and cowardice from this kingdom, and when I am done Wayside will be a name worth respecting.

Warriors of the Lion Pride!

You seek a king - you seek a champion! Will you waste your life wandering the backwoods, or will you find honor and glory in conquest? Join me in Saddlebrook Keep and we shall carve out a new kingdom from this wasted husk of a nation.

Ser Cha’ka the Unbroken
Last True Knight of Wayside
HA! Some true knight you are, that needz an army to hunt such a few. I thought last time you were in Wayside would have enlightened you, many of your men died that day. I personally saw to it that all I came across following your orders I ushered them to the grave. How many more lives will you sacrifice to slake your so called justice. Petty revenge by a petty man is all this is. I will make you a promise, harm any Rom or Rai or any of those I call my friends I will hunt you down and make sure you stay dead. Unlike you I don't need an army to seek reparations, I may not be as powerful as you but I will never stop hunting you. Think on that Cha'ka, think very hard.
These few are merely the beginning. Taunt me if you will; the result will be the same.

Ser Cha'ka the Unbroken

First I’d like to say I am honored to be placed on the top to your “list”. It is filled with very honorable people.

I would point out that you have threatened a good number of nobles in your “list”. As well as many members of both the earth and celestial guild. Now I don’t really think that was the best idea. You have also stated you wish to raise an army and burn this kingdom. So that is a threat to the kingdom as a whole. Which is probably an even worse idea.

Cha’ka, you were a good knight, once. You’ve just lost your way.

There is always a solution that doesn’t end in violence. There still may be a way for you to live though this traitorous act. Give yourself up. Ask His Majesty for mercy, take the punishment for your crimes, and then work within the law to help Wayside.

Help this land that you lawfully served once.

Help its people heal from this war.

But if you are still stubborn and foolish enough to go through with your “list”. I am at the top of it. Which I believe makes me priority. So come at me. I will not hide, and I’m pretty sure you know where to find me.

Squire Foss Siril of Wayside
I hate when people toss around the terms "true knight" , "knight" and other such honorific usually means its self bestowed or given to them by those who cant rightfully award such honors...if you have taken issue those folks you've listed...then kill them not once but permanently and build your reputation that way not by declaring yourself this or that.

Its ok to tell folks you plan on making them take a dirt nap but save us the nonsense of the self declarations of title and feats you've accomplished.

Khale Blacklight
Sol Invictus
Also, I have friends on that list...Jocelyn has always been good to me as far as I recall and Liddia has always held a special place in my heart...I 'd tread carefully friend. it's the most committed that'll win the engagement and I've nothing to live for
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I don't know who you are, but you must be pretty dumb to think that you can kill all of these people. It might be wise of you to reconsider this course of action. Foss basically summed up everything I would've said. If you call yourself a knight, you should be more like Ser Kurzon Silverleaf, he told me all about knights and he seemed like a really honorable and kind guy. Maybe you should just be more like him. Or don't do knight things, it might be too complex for you, but that's ok, it's too complex for a lot of people.

Also: If you dare come to the library looking to kill somebody, I will personally send you to the circle, stay out of my library. Actually, let's make that a general rule, no violence OR talking in the library!

Also also: You're never gonna get past Foss, because when you come for him, I'm gonna help him out and so will our friends and you'll just die because we're so strong and you're too irrational to think through a proper strategy. Just give up and go chase mice or something with your dumb lion pride. Maybe then you can find a nice kind cat lady who will pet you forever and then you can be happy because you'll get petted and you can meow forever. And then you won't have to kill people. You should definitely do that instead. Stupid cat.

-Keeper of Secrets,
Librarian of Fairfax Library
Attention: the former knight known as Cha'ka, 5'10" male lion Sarr age 23, has been stripped of rank and title and stands accused of multiple counts of treason, murder, and banditry.

He is wanted DEAD OR ALIVE by the Royal Magistrate Corps. His Majesty offers a reward for his capture.

He is to be considered at all times to be armed and highly dangerous. APPROACH AT YOUR OWN RISK.
He is skilled with weapons and armed with poisons. His spirit bears a Vengeance ritual.
Do not negotiate with the suspect.
Do not attempt to parley with the suspect.
And tempting though it may be, it is not necessary or helpful to taunt the suspect.

Magistrate Amy Hale
Royal Knight to His Majesty King Kaarl Grimlock
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What's currently the bounty on his cat's head?

Cha’ka, you were a good knight, once. You’ve just lost your way.

There is always a solution that doesn’t end in violence. There still may be a way for you to live though this traitorous act. Give yourself up. Ask His Majesty for mercy, take the punishment for your crimes, and then work within the law to help Wayside.

Help this land that you lawfully served once.

Help its people heal from this war.

But if you are still stubborn and foolish enough to go through with your “list”. I am at the top of it. Which I believe makes me priority. So come at me. I will not hide, and I’m pretty sure you know where to find me.

Squire Foss Siril of Wayside


Squire Siril is correct, this situation need not end in violence. You have lost your self to your pride and rage, do not let let those emotions control you. Seek forgiveness.

Lady FallingStar
Mr. Blacklight, I can guarantee as a reward for Cha'ka's capture an item that activates for a Purify spell once per day.

Magistrate Amy Hale
Royal Knight to His Majesty King Kaarl Grimlock
What do we get if he dies horribly and potentially permanently? You know... Through some kind of planned accident... No direct involvement from us... Like he just falls down or something... Maybe from a deadly chili attack... Except the chili is acid... Poison acid... With spikes and death and pain...

...and cheese...

-Keeper of Secrets
Librarian of Fairfax Library
this villain seems to have gone cancerous and while pretty words might be nice in trying to dissuade him from further violence and wrong doing..ultimately he needs to be stricken from these lands lest we tolerate his monologueing and continued acts of terror.

the good magistrate said dead or alive. this implies permanent death as clearly a body fades and ultimately reconstituted when they arrived at the earth guild. With the threat of evil you need to act swiftly and with a mighty hand...all other acts are an invitation to be bull might as well bare your neck to those other foul individuals who seek to break the law.

act swiftly, carry a sharp sword and have no remorse..this is the way and the truth.

Khale Blacklight
Sol Invictus
Good Morrow,

As entertaining as his death may seem, would it not be more entertaining to see beyond the fiery words, and into his very heart?

This "True Knight", this one who was a Knight within this kingdom, has he behaved with honor, dignity, and bravery in the past and has he contributed to this kingdom? Has he always been a villainous character?

Are we so impulsive and hot blooded as to ignore his achievements, rend flesh from him, and cast him out without a second thought? I would hate to believe that we are.

Some of us believe that there may be more than we know here. I would hope that we can calm this bloodlust long enough for us to see beyond the posturing, and contempt, and to see the reality that made this so.

We should capture this fugitive and bring him back alive. When he is caught, we may see clearly what is within his heart, whether he is acting of his own free will and conscience, or if other factors are at play. Killing him outright will not serve us.

We propose that if the Fugitive is returned ALIVE, my associates will add an additional 20 Gold to the Bounty.

Shinobi Sheaux
Liaison to the Eyes of the Watch
There is a time for words and there is a time for blood. Learn the difference if you come to face me or I will be forced to teach you.

You say I should serve this kingdom, to serve this new king, but I know now to trust no man but myself. I was taught that lesson by the coward Eisenhorn. You say I am blinded by my emotions, that I've "lost my way", but you are the ones blinded by false service to a false king! Grimlock never raised a blade in the war, but you would pledge yourselves to him? You will learn as I did that the only king a man needs is himself.

But come face me if you will, and you will see that this "cat's head" is worth more than a bauble and a handful of gold.

Brothers, sisters, you see how they condescend to us? "Stupid cat", they say, sit in our laps and "chase mice". From my first battle with these craven fools, they treated me as a lost child. They see us as house pets! They call themselves adventurers, but they shy at the sight of blood; they call themselves warriors, but they know nothing of war! Show them the strength of the Lion Pride! Come to me not as followers, but as warriors with a common cause. A cause of glory, of blood, and of honor! Stand beside me or break with the rest.

Ser Cha'ka the Unbroken
Last True Knight of Wayside
Ser Cha'ka the Unbroken,

I wish that we would've meet under a different circumstance. Your honor is a desirable trait, well as your loyalty. However I have a few words of cation, Pride goes before destruction, and surely this Will be your undoing. I beg that you would come to reason. Sir Knight think upon the actions that have taken place over the years, try and see where we came from as adventures. Please before you call a blood hunt on us, I would beg that you would speak with a few of us. And listen to our side of this conflict.
....again, I beg that you reconsider and come to reason.

I"m originally from a land called Anilar in the western Dragonspine mountains of Evendarr..perhaps the mountians and the dwarves have influenced us..making us more taciturn, some may even say stoic...yet this prattle continues on. When the snows melt and folks can adventure once again...the time for talk will be over and we will no longer mince words gorbe.

I've traveled these lands before and did a number of things and in my few years..his name, reputation or legend didn't exist. perhaps he's like a torch..short lived but burns brightly for a moment before his flame will be extinguished.
I"m originally from a land called Anilar in the western Dragonspine mountains of Evendarr..perhaps the mountians and the dwarves have influenced us..making us more taciturn, some may even say stoic...yet this prattle continues on. When the snows melt and folks can adventure once again...the time for talk will be over and we will no longer mince words gorbe.

Another Tyrran? You don't run into many these days. Let us share words soon Khale. There are plenty more of us in Dragonreach and what remains of Valdanis.

Order of the Emerald Flame
I know some wish to talk Cha'ka down, but I guarantee you that is not an option. For those that remember, upon his initial confrontation I held him at bay for 5 days while I stayed awake as he was stuck in a Confine spell. For 5 days I tried to talk to him, there was no use. I have known him as long as I pledged myself as a High Magistrate, and Royal Knight to the King. If you try to talk him down, he will kill you without mercy. Remember, this is the same man who marched into Westhaven and killed Baron Eren Davis.

I repeat, do not show him any mercy, Cha'ka can not be saved. Failure to use all methods of dealing with him will result in resurrection.

Cha'ka, you were once my friend, my brother and loyal comrade; however that time has come and gone.

- Ser Alistair Morgan
Royal Knight to his Majesty Kaarl Grimlock
Neolani Bonecrusher
Eugene Postlethwait

Through your cowardly actions you have each gained a place on my list. This kingdom may be shattered but I am Unbroken.

Ser Cha'ka
Last True Knight of Wayside