Posted on the Wall: Thursday Dinner


Greetings Fellow Travelers and Denizens of Tarndale!

Thursday night I will be bringing into town a simple meal of macaroni and cheese, along with a side of green salad or macaroni salad. Unfortunately, I will not have time on Thursday to make a wonderful home cooked meal, so I will be bringing food prepared by others, but still a satisfying meal if you've been traveling.

I expect to have enough food for 20 people, I will accept pre-orders for half that number, the other 10 spots will be first come first serve. It is very possible I will have additional spots after 20 are served.

The cost for the meal is on a sliding scale, pay what you can afford, from 1 copper to 1 silver, exact change only, please.

Sign up below, once the first 10 slots are filled, it will be first come first serve.

Travel Safely,
Bhaskara J Santori

(OOG: The OOG cost for this meal is $2 if you want a spot reserved, first come first serve spots are IG coin only)
yes, please.