Posted on the Tavern Wall.


The Trial of Captain Goddard

Captain Kai Goddard, of the SilverFord Royal City Guard stands accused of the following crimes:

Obstruction of Justice
Inciting of Civil Unrest

Possible charges:


The charge of Treason shall be determined to be valid or invalid at the preliminary hearing of the trial. Should the victim be found to be considered an ambassador of the Dark Elf Nation then all rights of nobility apply to the victim, at which point the charge of Murder would be withdrawn and the charge of Treason added in it's place.

Let it be known that the punishment for conviction of the crime of Treason is Obliteration until Permanent Death.

Captain Goddard has been determined to be a representative of the nobility by virtue of his station of Captain of the SilverFord Royal City Guard, and as such will be accorded the rights of nobility in his trial, which shall be in the fashion of High Justice.

The preliminary trial hearing of Captain Goddard will begin on Tuesday, November 2nd. The trial and associated hearings will take place in SilverFord in the Hall of the Judiciary. All those who wish to attend the trial are welcome to do so as long as they abide the rules of High Court.

((OOG: Those who wish to attend the trial should send mail to and include the name of the character attending and an email address at which you would like to receive weekly updates on the trials progress. I will be creating a distribution list for the trials spectators to be kept abreast of the courtly happenings.))