Plot Teaser for Miasma's Bounty


Roanoke Staff
Plot Teaser for Miasma's Bounty

The Autumn Mead Festival is upon us and Kaden nor Kaspian Earr have yet to be seen. Very unusual for them to be missing during the Festival. The Festival is earlier this year because the Miasma has came early and seems to be thicker and more dangerous than before. Sadly it looks to be a harsh winter ahead for Silvervale.

In the fall, The winds tend to change and a Miasma creeps its way through the lands affecting things in different and mysterious ways. Silvervale is not safe and there are horrors roaming the lands. As we know the Miasma amongst other things are affecting magic and how it works.
Wards are weak during the time of Miasma and a carved pumpkin seems to be empowering them so they are not as easily torn down.
Last Festival a blighted creature calling itself the "Pumpking" attacked the town. Who knows what kinda horrors the Miasma brings this year. Adventurers take caution The monsters from the Miasma have been known to tearing down wards and break wizard locks! It is said that posting a carved pumpkin lit from within has the ability to frighten these terrible creatures away! However, many other creatures can move these carved pumpkins so make sure that they are lit and checked before you go to sleep or leave your dwelling unguarded!

Pumpkins must be carved, and lit from within to keep this creatures away! Painting a decorative pumpkin but not lighting it will not keep the creature away. Other forms of protection such as circles of power, are seemingly not affected. Still, be vigilant and make sure to sleep with your weapon near you during this time.

The Silvervale Resource Auction! This Auction will start at Sundown right after dinner on Saturday. Please Bring your resource cards and coin! There will be several items up for Auction. Anyone wishing to Auction off items are welcome to do so.

Some townsfolk have been experiencing a strange illness. It has seemed to be tracked down to the water source around Silvervale being tainted but the origin of this tainted water source has not yet been located. Help/ information from anyone will be greatly appreciated.

((OOG: As we are all well aware, our LARP site has a lot of wildlife and we are not wanting to invite them to the game by using *real* pumpkins. A plastic or foam substitute is what we’re looking for with a carved(not painted) face. *NO ACTUAL FLAME*, please. A battery operated/solar light will be perfect, or even a very reliable glowstick.))