Orcish Script

Don't think there is a set language for Orc. You can always make one up which would be cool
Well, there is the Tolkien Script, the DND script (Dwarven lettering) and warcraft scrypt, amongst others from certain video games, so i was just curious if one was preferred over others.
Jared is correct, feel free to come up with whatever version of the orcish language you want. Everyone speaks the common tongue. Some do accents. Some do languages (usually to someone else that understands it).
Im mainly focused on the orc script for tattoos in my kit. Do any accepted or preferred Scripts exist? (besides Orcish) Im guessing Tolkien elven?
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Yeah, im going to have some orcish tattoos for my character's valus on places, and perhaps a "Slave" tattoo somewhere in another language, but that may be too close to Thrall if i play aTemplar, so the slave part may be nixed