October favorites

What a weekend. There were so many small, beautiful moments, and so many grand, larger-than-life ones as well. I'm going to miss a lot. There were too many. These are not "favorites."They are the moments I won't forget, for good or ill.

Failing to save three friends: It's complicated. Watching characters that your character cares about (that you care about) get disintegrated in front of you is heart wrenching, overwhelming, powerful. It's not a "good" thing for your character. But it pulls you into the world and makes the experience real. And the four people that died, man...

Amaranthus. My friend. Sevaria's friend. A brother to us both. The one person who we 100% needed in order to kill Necali. When he went dust I truly thought all was lost.

Nerium. So we just went through this whole bonding thing to bust Necali's spirit, and there were layers of appreciation and affection before all of that. She was killed right in front of me while my arms were bound, so I couldn't even try to bat away the killing blow. All I could do was cry out, watch and then try to save her love, Surion...

Who died 30 feet out while I was beserked about ten minutes later. Surion was/is Sevaria's childe. He is now part of her legacy. So he's not allowed to die until he saves the world (in case you didn't know that, now you know, Sean).

Ona, Gebous and I had a brief but meaningful, "I'm with you, bro" conversation before the fight. Kind of our first. Ona was the first to get popped by the Withering Knight, and that was a rough kick in the gut. Also, when I knew it was going to be a really really bad fight.

The memorial service for Sevaria. Everyone who spoke did a really great job of capturing something special and moving about her. It was tough getting through it. I know it was for all of you too.

Burying armor in the circle. What was great about it was the reaction you had. Thanks for being a top shelf role player.

Finding out that Ocean got engulfed 3-4 times (reports vary), rebirthing inside a Charnal Titan while we were on our spirit mod. Specifically, the look on Gebous's face upon finding this out.

Seeing my Paladin in the Deadlands. Cross chapter stuff is pretty much always neat, but it was also particularly uplifting to be able to sit down, discuss and plan for things outside of the mission at hand that weekend. So much to consider. It was also cool to find out that the sword Heresy made apparently became an artifact.

Being able to kneel low enough before my benevolent Lord Partisan to show her proper respect and deference.

Getting saved by Morai. I have to admit that he was one of the last people I expected to see over me saving my life in the woods in that fight. A pleasant surprise that Heresy will not forget.

The Gift of Life'd Charnal Titan and remembering that Sevaria once said she wanted one as a pet. Dreams can come true.
What a phenomenal event, personally and globally! I can't thank everyone enough - the rock star NPCs, the dedicated and passionate staff, and the PCs who tolerate my terribly angry and rude Cheetah. This is a fantastic community and I'm so thankful for the chance to play your game! Here are just a few shout-outs:

Erika N, my homegirl floof friend. I was having a real hard time figuring out a specific path for this character before Lila came around and forced her friendship upon her, and now look at us! Plans towards goals! Riches and monsters way beyond our measure!! It is for sure a hard knock life for floofs. I love you IG, I love you OOG, thanks for everything!

Katul! Momma Cheetah! Hunting mods! And WAIT WHAT, NECALI!? Felt really cool to be on a lowbie mod and see a huge revealing spectacle like that. Thanks so much, plot. You guys are really so great at outreach for everyone.

Speaking of outreach, all things Heresy! And really, I think it was Gary on some OOG level just being a really nice dude and going above and beyond for us folks that are newer to PCing the chapter. That extra hunt mod was seriously a highlight of the weekend and I'll never forget it. The roleplay was wonderful and meaningful and the hunting was top notch. And then to take it a step further later on and offer armor to Nikhujo in such a thoughtful and meaningful scenario? Wow. Just wow. She may be too rude/nervous/complicated to express proper thanks IG, but OOG, I really do appreciate all that awesomeness and what it does for the character! :)

Sword that hates itself! Swinging that much damage felt SO COOL, and the subtle complex emotions brought on by targeting what is likely an enslaved unwilling victim of your own race is nice and awkward. Love it. Thanks a million for giving it out for the weekend, y'all!

Brian, Dave, and Collin specifically in the Necali fight, y'all know how to do sarr fighting so well. That arrogance and confrontational attitude! Brian especially! I REALLY loved being called out to one-on-one pseudo-honor combat. Freaking well done. I REALLY wish I had more than 1 body at that point, but cure light yo-yoing was the going trend, haha. Still, excellent flavor from top notch NPCs really getting the sarr blood flowing! :) Thanks guys!

ALEX, THAT ARMOR TIGER WAS WAY TOO BIG FOR ME, BUT I COULDN'T STOP CHASING YOU! I know I wasted some town resources getting dropped twice (Sorryyyy, aggressive sarr rogue time), but yo, assassinating you in your final moments felt REAL cool!! :D

Learning about the Legion, and the subsequent attempts by Nikhujo to manipulate the situation and work the idea to be completely self-serving, but eventually accepting that it isn't something she can stomach since she hates everyone just so dang much. Nerium, Surion, and some elf dudes (that she was too rude to learn the names of) she was particularly rude to, so that was gooooood fun, lol.

Speaking of elves, Kili and any other elf, sorry for how blatantly disgusted she is with you all despite everything you do for her (aka heal her forever and not accept her angry coin)! Scarn for ONE SECOND got some props for not using a bow, but then he kept talking to her and she had to hate him more all over again. We can only hope that Lila continues to force her to grow up a bit and become less awful, hahaha. I freaking love these crazy awful dynamics, though.

Oh, I do want to mention, despite having never met Sevaria as this character, that memorial service was really a great experience. Brought up uncomfortable baggage and pondering feelings for Nikhujo, leading to lots of food for thought. Very cool, folks. Thanks.

Another bit of a gut-wrenching moment was being the last one to reach out for Amaranthus before Necali did him in. Nikhujo shouted, grabbed for him, and got smacked hard by Necali. Then Susie got to watch the shatter spirit and a hear a very moving "got it" before Nikhujo got picked up and then proceeded to freak out, trying to keep tabs on Amaranthus' stuff while calling for Heresy and asking about whatever contingency plan we need to go into. Man. Intensity level HIGH.

Yeah, that's a good recap to all this. Intensity level high, my friends. Thanks again! <3
This event was so very intense for so many reasons both in game and out of game, but I will attempt to make a list of some fun, wild or emotionally enriching stuff.

NPCs you seriously were so amazing. And whoever the guy was that was running across the field screaming "I'm eating that one he's mine!" was terrifying. Also Sean when the vampire dressed as a roman senator with the unicorn horn fed from Nerium Tempesta lost her mind! Three hour battle on Sunday night, SERIOUSLY!! you guys are amazing. Because even though we're up with you all at the same time, you have to get beat on hundreds of times and have to do so many lives I cannot thank you enough.

Sean and Evan, I have never wanted to be able to kill someone to much out of sheer mercy than I did that vampire with the unicorn horn on Sunday night. I was literally tearing up feeling so bad that he just wanted to die and couldn't.

Tempesta's first MWE resurrection -
Tempesta: And then you heal all your friends and they rush on Necali and stab him over and over again and rip his heart out and ...
Sun: You do know she's a Sylphan right?
Tempesta: I don't know any! I don't know what story to tell her!
Sun: okay
Tempesta: (more blood and guts) OH WAIT!!! Then Surion!! You love Surion! He needs you too. Yeah! you gotta come back for Surion!

Tempesta will probably start writing stories to tell for resurrections HEHEH

All the baked goods HOLY COW!! Apple Turnovers, Apple Crisp, Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, harvest veggies!!

All things Osiris (Mr. OHsirUs) so funny!

CHARLIE!! The Redeemed Titan. I love that you actually ate a chocolate with aluminum foil on it.

The pain in the NPCs voices when they were no longer being controlled. Basically begging us to end them was so heart wrenching!

Seeing Nadarin with Galloway in the circle.

Running low on packets and realizing the last packet in my pouch was actually just my bag of pistachios.

Hulk Smash in the back of the car at 2:30 at the local burger vendor.

So many awesome moments this weekend. Can't wait until Spring!
I have no idea where to start so I'll just go. In no order:

Kar. A character relationship I didn't ask for and fell onto my lap at the last HQ event when I admitted that the plan to kill Necali had a % chance of turning the person who eats his heart into a tyrannical monster. Having an event where I'm not in the kitchen to spend around another character in that position was completely different then any event I've ever done. Kudos to Alex G for creating a situation I never thought I'd be in and for rocking the RP. You've given Amar something not just to fight for, but to LIVE for.

Shinning the majestic Lord Partisans boots while we groveled before her in the worst display of mockery ever. Aisling needed the laugh.

Meg as Aisling. Jesus that was an intense talk. We are in for a TIME.

Gary as Heresy. Amaranthus is a guy who hides his positive emotions under layers of duty and anger so the horrors of the world can't destroy them but the brotherly love spawned from mutual loss and battlefield dependency was super strong this weekend. Highlight: The battle is over. Necali is dead. The bit with Gaius is over. I pull Heresy over to the tavern to make good on one last promise.

On that note: Sean and Evan. Man I hope I can pull off bits the way you two do for the end of Nine Towers. I was expecting muahaha. I was ready for "now the power is mine". I DID NOT see a martyr. Completely blindsided by that twist. I felt so much of a mix of pity and anger for Gaius. I have a strange feeling we haven't seen the last of Gauis Lertis Decius.

The trapped house. The memories of the child. The intense revulsion and fear. Telling poor Nerium that she doesn't want to go into that house and no I won't tell her what I saw inside. Wiping the child's memory of the attack because it was the only thing Amaranthus could do to help that poor kid.

Getting two Ritual's of Woe planned, set up and cast in like 2 hours to go at exactly sundown. Casting exactly at sundown.

I lost track of Tenerian (Bill H) while tanking Necali and I eat two spellstrike transform to greater spectral in rapid succession. I go to say got it and out of the darkness behind Dan the whole time was Tenerian who spell parried both. Amaranthus is not going to forget that.

The battle. Both parts. I was certain after part one we didn't have the people to take Necali for part two. I was terrified we wouldn't be able to pull it off. Talk about 3 hours of awesome. I know not everything needs to end with a battle but that epic long, deadly fight was the ultimate way to close off Necali.

Thank you NH for an amazing closer and a fantastic season. See everyone at HQ, Nine Towers, and next year.
Getting saved by Morai. I have to admit that he was one of the last people I expected to see over me saving my life in the woods in that fight. A pleasant surprise that Heresy will not forget.

So once upon a time I decided to take a stroll out in the woods during a vampire invasion. Figured I'd take some time to clear my head, look up at the stars, refit my armor, that sort of thing. As I'm wandering along I come across a dead Heresy just laying there on the ground. I figure I should help the guy out, what with him being (probably) dead and all.

So I lean down, grab his arm, and say... "Activate I grant you the gift of death."
And then I sit there for a few seconds wondering why he's not getting up....
Then I realize the turtle isn't actually the solution to this particular problem, life him, and we run back and join the battle.

... starting to think Morai might actually have a problem....

Seriously, that was one of the things that was so great about this event, the last fight in particular. There were so many not missed opportunities for absolute heroism and so many characters rose to those occasions. It was awe inspiring.

On par with the All Fray, White Sun and (an actual live action version of) The Battle for Aolia.
So very many moments it is hard to even begin. I am certain I will miss some, but here goes:

The decision to sacrifice to gain entry to the plane of Death to Speak with Mem Va'Tov, the discussions, the convincing ( as well as the RP of characters standing around my dead body arguing whether to allow me to do this, and having Keeley finally put her foot down.) and the following roleplay moments in the plane of Death.

During that, squiring Azureth. I know many wont understand why I did, but he really has been Eroan's (Tabin's) Right hand man. I am sure he will make me proud.

The ultra brief interaction with Gius (sic). "Greetings, do you have those things you need and the information?", "we will not be working with you." a tight nod and a rift. Ah, simple. All the while trying not to stare directly at the Unicorn horn wand he was cradling in his arms.

Being told there is a spirit in the Circle. Dashing over and as I enter being told the spirit is familiar and familial, someone I haven't been in the presence of in over 100 years. Knowing instantly who this is going to be, beginning a resurrection that scolds a father who'd abandon a wife and child. The look on Sean's face after I introduced Guildmistress Keeley, and then myself Sir Eroan Celebolwa (complete with the hard "c" as Sean had used to introduce himself.) Trying to remain emotionless during the conversation and trying to keep a stern, proud and confident air, while dealing with one of the most intense parts of Eroan's (tabin's) past. I look forward to the future RP with Valkis Celebolwa.

The complexity of the RP and combat as we left the circle.

Learning Eroan has a half brother and sister.
being like a templar for most of the weekend, with a undead slayer... wow fun. I missed fighting with a properly weighted weapon.

The memorial was intense. Hard to put those feelings into words. Sevaria was my friend and Eroan will always have a bruise, a wound caused by the loss of each of his friends that have died. This one is deep.

Being a knight finally! and knowing the pride of a rough battle where noone died, and also the disappointment (in myself) and responsibility of a rough battle were 4 people fell. Putting my foot forward and making an oath to try harder to get better and protect the people by leading more efficiently and effectively next time.

All the RP with Scarn, Keeley, Tenirian (should probably learn how to spell that properly), Heresy, Valkis, Mem Va' Tov, Azurieth, Lord Amaranthus, Azling, Roman

Necali's death and the ensuing cluster that happened after with Ancient Teshvan Vampires, Chithiss and yet another grand plan that has run amok. I am still waiting to see Avalek's grin from a heavily drawn cowl...

Here is to an excellent event (my favorite of the season.) Here is to a restful (but off stage BUSY) winter. I already cannot wait to see what next year holds.

Love you guys, be well and safe and do not be strangers.

Hoookaaay, let's try to get the Everything That Happened into words, and sentences.

-Sir Amaranthus. I have to admit that dumping Kar's emotions on you last gather was a knee jerk reaction to being blindsided, but at this point I regret nothing. There are so many more facets of emotion and action that I had never thought about with Kar that are starting to surface cause of the rp. From the small moments during down time, to the battle field, to one last hug before Necali, so many emotions. Kar has never felt more helpless, and yet had more need to be there. Never have I used everything Kar had so quickly, and been chased so much. Trying to locate Sir Amaranthus on the field every time I was brought back up, and hearing him do the same, and starting to do so automatically is a strange feeling, but also a pretty awesome one. Feeling Kar's little heart break when she heard he was in the circle, and knowing that she cannot/does not have the focus to guide him through the white room and golden fields like she does with others, and just ranting at him about it not being ok to leave yet was lovely. (Also darn, I have to try not to die at 9t now don't I?)

On a quick side note: dragging Sir Amaranthus for a life spell and accidentally walking right into a vampire that Clearly did not want to kill me, getting beat down, and then hearing said vampire call for a life spell was beautiful. Thank you Albert.

-NPC's for how few of you there were, when you wanted to bring the pain, oh goodness was the pain brought. Kar was a yo-yo, and I have never been so in pain, yet pleasantly exhausted from playing her on the field before.

-So. Heresy. Now this is Kar's second time to the Deadlands, but watching you was bloody magic. The gather that Kar met Sevaria was not a good one, as it was the one Sevaria fell at, but she could see how much of a light she was just through the memories and love that Heresy brought out. Seeing both the pained, and playful side, and watching you bounce emotion off of other players and changing a little with each one was magical. I have to say, thank you for being open to new people.

-Floofs! Coming into game with Lila and Nikhujo and having all of us go "those are not ours" as a wave of pantherghasts comes in. I didn't interact much with Nikhujo, but it was fun to watch her to run to fight and yet stay distant all other times ;). I don't know what Kar did to deserve borrowing Lila's bow, but thank goodness. There was a moment of "do I trust this person to have my back?.....yup". So inquisitive. I'm pretty sure Kar would be very dead without your help, so thank you.

-TeaWaddle............skfjd irfh erh. Ok. I hate love you. Stop breaking me, but goodness me, was it effective.

-Tavern. I felt so taken care of. It was nice for Kar to have a member of familia to touch point with in a land she didn't feel at home in.

-Keely, oh Keely. The talk we had before the fight with Necali, where both of us are thinking of the possible bad and good.

-Charlie. Eating candy without taking off the 'armor', discovering that some candy has crunchy things inside. Beautiful beautiful charlie, too good for this world, too pure.

-Having to be the bad logical person and telling adventurers that those vampires that they know are heading for a town to kill it is not our business right now.

-Hearing stories about personified rituals.

-Being dragged away by Necali, and hearing "Not her!" Come from some player behind me was a pleasant surprise. I don't know who yelled it, but it gave me happy tingles inside, thank you.

-Sean, Gauis...goodness. There was such a desire not just from Alex, but just Kar to hold him tight and take the pain away. Knowing that that would be the wrong thing to do, and would destroy her, but having to hold her hand back anyway.

-Alex. Sorry man, but So Much Fun had sassing Vox. I think it's Kar's new hobby. Having him show up and having Kar's moment of "I know who That is!" was lovely.

Thank you everyone for making this an Event that I'm not likely to forget any time soon. I'll definitely try to be back a couple times next season.
Wow. I am still having so many feelings, this is really long and also incomplete. Thank you NPCs for kicking us in the emotions and backsides.

All interactions with Heresy, especially being his tether. When the Prefect of Death tells you to go talk about your feelings, you go do that. Being completely unable to express friendship without an instruction manual, and Heresy being super nice anyway. Sitting and having a chat with someone Nerium admires so much, who apparently sees right through her and had some illuminating things to say. Realizing that fear of rejection is a terrible reason not to say something nice. Bumbling through her second rez story ever and being super relieved that it worked, because she was more worried about failing Heresy than about potentially dying with him. And having someone willing to talk her down after she'd received a violent rez story, and through the realization that someone else was suspiciously absent from the area.

Nerium having been fully prepared to die in the fight that killed her. She had taken off her jewelry and tied the whistle to her belt, told Surion who she preferred to do her rez, and went out to try not to need these preparations while well aware she probably would. And she did, but not before healing some people and interrupting some killing blows. Jena, oh my gosh, Tempesta's rez story. I was OOG so very entertained, I couldn't refrain from snickering even though Nerium was horrified.

Getting to make good on the promise to do Surion's rez. It sure was sad that he died, but being fortunate enough to rez and calm down in time to tell his story before someone else did it was some serious business roleplay opportunity and avoided a 10-cart guilt pile-up. So many feelings. Avoiding being overwhelmingly sad by vigorously ignoring the possibility of permanent death. Aiming for imagery of the Lothantanian afterlife concept, succeeding in evoking that experience, and being unsure if the ensuing sobbing was good crying or bad crying. Weekend highlights include all of the open and honest conversations with Surion, who is clearly a mind reader with insightful things to say. Even when they superficially come off as "go get me a sandwich."

Finding out at post-gather tea time that the plague kill box was survived via Command magic, and realizing that this experience was the start of a potential slippery slope -- both being forever wary that every little request for aid is actually a trap, and not completely flipping a lid over the use of Command. Speaking of that trap, failing miserably to convey to Amaranthus that what he was doing was appreciated and neither expected nor meant to be rushed. Biata mind wipe is so close to Amnesia, "never" would have been a fine answer as far as she's concerned.

Gaius. I love antagonists who do things for relatable reasons, like Chithis who wants to go home, and Gaius who aimed for noble ends via problematic means. Having complicated emotions about getting caught undefended and an easy target for biting, and probably understanding both why he did it and how many lives that may have saved. The gut punching sobbing about enternal undeath and Chithis ranting the opposite of sympathy. Being so caught up by all the upheaval around Necali dying and Gaius doing some crazy things with Anaxion, I was in Massachusetts by the time I fully processed what that means for the future of Teshvar.

Trying to explain the Legion of the Vigil to Leela and Nikhujo. Being immensely uncomfortable with how Nikhujo was spinning it. Making a mental note to talk to Leela again, or nudge her at Surion to talk about the Hierophan when everything is less on fire.

In conclusion, feelings. See you next season.
My packet arm is distinctly still uncomfortable, because Long weekend plus some wonky "this happened another time" mods meant 5 logistics periods. That all adds up to Too Many Packets.

Being Tenerian's tether, and staying true to Phedre's "pull no punches" way of interacting with others for all their interactions.

Death. Teawaddle. Cerulean. Samara, everything you play makes me smile and I'm very sorry for the magic storm to the eyeball!

When with her WC family, especially before her divorce, Phedre sang all the time. Sang, hummed, there was always music in her consciousness. That all stopped about 18 months ago, and the only song she's sung since was when Sevaria died. She had no songs that sprang to mind until we were waiting for the fight with Necalli. Singing "Sentry the Defiant" while tucked into the woodline, trying to get herself ready for a fight that she knew would cause irreparable loss, she found her voice again. "I'll be defiant, the lion/give them a fight that will open their eyes/hangman hooded, softly swinging/don't close the coffin yet, I'm alive" just seemed too appropriate. And realizing that it might help other people as much as music helps her, she kept singing. I need to re-learn some songs, my memory for lyrics is like a sieve.

There's currently a lack of sarr and kin in Phedre's life, and she misses her fuzzy family more than she will ever admit. It translates into watching out for younger savage races, including handing them weapons and using most of her low level curatives on them. Walking up between Lila and Nikhujo in the midst of a fight and inviting them forward with a "Ladies...?" almost made me break down in laughter. You both looked over and me and the expressions went "Who... what? Oh! Yes!"

And some bittersweet memories, realizing that Nikhujo was berserked and just stepping behind her but not bothering to fix her, just like she used to do with Zehn. A cat with a mission is a cat with a mission, and letting her rip something to pieces without wasting awakens seemed like a better idea as long as she wasn't headed toward someone on our side. Easier to mindlessly kill something than live with that moment-after-moment choice of death for creatures that might otherwise be redeemed.

More memories of Sev. They're old, but she was the first person Phedre really talked to about what family could mean. Those conversations subtly shaped a lot of how she is now.

OSIRIS. Samara's face when our solution involved dragons, and the resulting puzzle mod to fix a previous bad idea. And his showing up again later, getting supercharged by the amount of magic put into him in a very short period of time. Now he lives in Phedre's bodice, getting all of her spells, burst pool, and item charges every day before study time.

More Sean: Gaius taking Bigot and looking over before holding his wand out to her, and Phedre's resulting "WHY DOES THE FORMER HUMAN TURNED MWE NIGHTMARE END UP WITH THE UNICORN HORN THIS IS NOT GOING TO HELP MY REPUTATION. But it's SUPER useful. Using it to kill Necalli is fine..."

When the fight ends, and Gaius puts himself in a circle, Phedre's spidey senses were going insane but she was too curious what a Mage that old and experienced was about to do... And then a dragon shows up, hands over a cup, and leaves. My internal voice went "What is in that-- No. Nonononono. Calling upon the power of--NO! Spirit store? Wait, what's he--THATS NOT GOING TO END WELL AND NOW HES SUMMONING A WHAT--he just summoned Chithiss? What could-- OH NO THAT IS SUCH A BAD IDEA NO WHY WOULD YOU--" and then just silence. Shocking Phedre into mental silence is nearly impossible, but she was absolutely stunned. Watching him try to kill himself, wondering if his horn could be used to do it, wondering if there was any way to get Elryion or Ciarrah and an Obliterate set or four, realizing that no matter what something will always go wrong and the people who try to redeem themselves end up punished in worse ways than anyone could ever come up with out of spite or malice. And then everything with Chithiss confirmed that eternal life isn't a good thing... That last 20 minutes was an emotional roller coaster that I OOG loved from start to finish.

Oh, winter writeup, you shall be glorious. Or lead to more emotional trauma next season. I can't wait.
The weekend was an absolute blast, I was sorry to have needed to leave early on Sunday. Thankfully though, got a few great NPC memories in!

First battle as a pantherghast, first race attuned to was dwarf. What is that? A single dwarf meandering in the back of the group? First player kill for me! Then wandering around, looking for sarr. Poking around in the dark for sarr. Any sarr in the tavern? No? Awww. Is this a sarr? I'mma hit it! No, it's not a sarr. Is this a sarr? It is! ACTIVATE EPIC ONE ON ONE DUE- oh, hello tree. Allow me to sprawl myself atop your majestic roots.

Speaking of sarr. Always with the Cheetah! The cheetah are everywhere! I'd go into battle and oh, look. The cheetah is in front of me. Again. I should have kept a scorecard. One free slushie for every twelve times you are pounced by floofies. Curse your well-coordinated double-teamed backstabs!

Is Shiney Dreadfuls too pricey? Pay with chocolate and hugs. Dedicated newspaper boys sell their papers in the middle of heated battle. You can't tell a goblin from a golem without your Shiney Dreadfuls, after all.

RPing as Sourly, the grizzled hobling sailor from Tower Portal. Getting fed until I nearly threw up hunks of carrot and potatoes while attempting to be a vampire later on. What were we here for again? A Justicar or something? Whatever, there is booze here.

Being a monkey for a hunting mod. I asked if I could use the extra chocolate pudding we had as a rep for poo-throwing. I was told I could not. PCs got off easy. Killed by cheetah and floofies.

Being a wolf for a hunting mod. Well, many wolves. Had my organs devoured. Was happy I had my eyes closed during all the growling and chomping. Killed by cheetah and floofy.

One day, I will learn how to say "Magic Laugh" instead of "Magic Life" or "Magic Light" or "Magic Lire-crap-blown."

Killed by cheetah and floofies.

Commanding toy soldiers in the woods.

Thanks a lot to all the forgiving PCs for politely correcting my noobish mistakes in battle. Every game, I feel like I am getting a hang of more of the mechanics and better at remembering rules in the heat of battle.

Killed by cheetah and floofies.
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Wow, where to begin. I cannot thank NPC camp enough for making this event arguably the best event I've had in the 10 years I've been playing. The same goes for all the PCs this weekend because the RP was just an undulating wave of emotional highs and lows.

Death! Death!! Deaaaaath!! So much death... Plot! Mem Va'Tav's arrival into town and setting the stage for how we would strip away another of Necalli's boons and the way everything subsequently played out made for such a great start for the weekend. Watching everyone hastily trying to figure out owed favors in order to avoid a one way trip to the circle only to have Eroan sacrifice himself in hopes of showing his sincerity on the matter was really intense. Delivering the killing blow to send Eroan on his journey only to then have the internal conflict of wanting to help more but being ordered not to do so on top of the conversations previously mentioned in this post just made the whole thing great.

Everything Osiris. I seriously cannot say how much I love that character. The events surrounding Osiris channeling enough energy to talk to Phedre, the subsequent puzzle mod to remove the conchordium that was inadvertently placed within his form, and the crazy shennanigans that ensued after being sent back to our plane from within the pocket universe construct of osiris' mind just keep building the anticipation for when we finally restore Osiris and get smashed drunk in celebration.

Mem Va'Tav's bonding of characters spirits and all of the subsequent RP that followed. That was such an awesome mechanic! The thought that both partners had to completely trust one another while everyone involved was risking their lives on a crazy act was really well received and everyone that was involved really stepped up. Being linked to Phedre was some scary stuff!

Everything involved in the Spirit Necalli fight. This is an unscaled mod could not have been said enough. Everyone there brought their A++ game and it really was something else to have been a part of.

Helping Kainan!? Saving Lord Galloway!? The marathon across space and time that was rescuing Lord Galloway was something to behold.

I HAVE A FATHER!? SIBLINGS!? Hypno-assassin??

Do you know how crazy it is to know that your mind has been so properly screwed with that you're literally missing 3/4 of your life? Do you know what it is to foam at the mouth with seething rage to kill someone you cannot actually explain why they must die and almost cause a diplomatic nightmare as a result? Seriously, Sean and Ray with all the familial plot, Bill and Alex with all the mind bullets, and all the people that tried to stop me and help me realize that something was horribly wrong, that roleplay was amazing.

Being rewarded by Mem Va'Tav for helping kill Necalli twice and being so cavalier with my own life in the form of willingness to sacrifice myself for others to restore the balance of life and death. Apparently those were some brownie points!

Spell Parry!, Spell Parry!!

Amaranthus called Tenerian to his aid and for the next however long we went after Necalli time and time again. Each time we felt we were gaining the upper hand, a Withering Knight would appear and negate our efforts. At one point I remember drawing the wrath of a Withering Knight and running in a dead sprint away from it as a result. The next thing I remember is looking left and right, finding Amaranthus, sprinting for him to get back to his side and hearing spellstrikes start flying just as I got there. I don't know how close I cut it but I for one felt like it couldn't have been any closer. I'm happy to have stood by you Bill as we put up one hell of a fight!

Arrow-Storm! At one point I remember seeing Heresy trying to help people and having three NPCs moving in on him, the next thing I remember I was throwing every arrow I could get my hand on while trying to close the distance to him. Half way through it I remember being in front of everyone still closing the distance and notching off arrows. That was a fight that I loved being an archer... That is other than turning in 240-300 arrows worth of tags from one fight, lol.

Again, NPCs, you did a hell of a job. That last fight was amazing and the pacing was sufficiently terrifying and epic at the same time. I might have even learned a lesson not to taunt wooly mammoths as I was nearly trampled!

What a season. I cannot wait till next year!

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