NPC Food?


Do we have a cook? Our cooks for the last few events cannot make it to this event.
I believe Renner and Gabe have volunteered to cook for us, and the cost will be $15.00 for this October event.


Edit: changed $20.00, an incorrect value, to the proper value of $15.00!
so the facebook was wrong at $15?
Yeah, I was wrong, I misremembered. I fixed it with an edit note. :whaa:
Yes, food should only be $15 also, this is correct, Shane Renner and I shall be cooking for Oregon NPCs this go around. If anyone can provide me a list of food restrictions, allergies and loves that people have, that'd be awesome. I know there are a couple of vegetarians here as well...

I cannot eat pork.
Chasmania said:
I'm a veggie.
So... just sunlight and some nitrogen-rich soil, then?
So one call for someone who can't eat pork and a vegetable... Bacon will be separated if used...