Next Year's Schedule


I know it's probably WAY too early to ask about this, but I'm gonna anyway...

When will the schedule for next year be out? At work we have to make our schedules 6 months in advance. If I have an idea of what weekends events will land on, I can work on scheduling them off. We start making our "bids" for days off in mid-October.

Anything that I can pencil in so far?

We are just discussing this now, and hope to have our 2010 schedule up in the near-ish future, but no dates are set yet.
While HQ has a lot of leeway as to making their schedule, some of our other campaigns do not. We are striving to work with other campaigns to avoid conflicting events as much as possible, but with two new campaigns coming online on the east coast, this might not be possible. Also, most campaigns can only schedule their camps 6 months or less in advance, so we're trying to figure this out. HQ could drop a schedule tomorrow, but that wouldn't do much good if the other campaigns then run events on the same weekend every time.

As HQ has the most schedule flexibility, it is likely we will schedule after some of the other campaigns as a courtesy. It's even possible we may switch weekends after the schedule is up as we did this year to accomodate the other campaigns.


another reason why we loves the headquarters