New Player registration?...

Forgive me if I've overlooked it, but I can't seem to figure out how to register my character... I've submitted a background, but can't seem to find the technical info. (i.e. build points, membership fees, etc...).
I ask because I have a group of people from the Sault area interested in joining your October event, and we don't know how to register our characters... Any help would be appreciated.


Shoot an e-mail to I'm sure they'll take care of you well, specific rules are found in our rulebook which can purchased online, or at most events. (online it's six bucks at ... &x=62&y=77). If you get in contact with the TC staff though they'll be glad to help you design your first characters I'm sure!

Hopefully I can fly out for your first event, I can't always hop the pond though :-(

-David (crazy Minnesotan guy.)

Thanks for the info! I already have an Alliance rule book hard copy, as well as a Nook copy. Do I need a different rulebook for TC? I'll shoot them an email with the character who's background I've submitted for approval. Thanks for the quick response! I look forward to meeting you.

Hey Welcome to Alliance!!

Dave's right. Shooting the E-mail is definately the best thing. However, the chapter is going thru a logistical restructoring. I was just up for the sept. event, (Which was fantastic) and they mentioned the @peoplepc e-mails were going away. It's probably still good for the time being. I'm sure either a TC staff member will read this thread soon, and get you pointed in the right direction. I am hopefully bring some new people up for Traverse as well, so it'll be good times.

Hi Bj.
Sorry we did not respond to your post in a more timely manor, we were at our Sept weekend event.
If you have a current version (1.1) of the Alliance Larp rule book and any addendums you will be fine.
I have not yet been given the information about our new e-mails so if the does not work use the last email you have from Bev to get the correct information.

Alliance Traverse Assistant GM
I'm not on staff, but I may be able to help you a bit :D

Rather then just answer your question, as I have heard there will be a number of new people... I will do a fairly comprehensice "I'm new to Alliance, how do I get started?" post. Hopefully this will answer everyones questions.

We use the Alliance rule book. If you have one already, fantastic, if not, feel free to follow the advise above about to acquire one. I strongly recommend reading ALL of it...even areas that may not directly pertain to your character. Things you may not have any interest in...may still hit you and you need to know what they do :D

Step 1: PC vs NPC
PC - Player Character: This is YOUR character. You play it at each event, gaining experience to use on further abilities.
NPC - Non Player Character: This is the rest of the world, in which the PCs interact. This includes monsters, merchants, townsfold, and anything else plot dreams up. You play the roles assigned to you by the plot team.
For new players, NPCing your first event (or season!) is strongly recommended, but absolutely not required. NPCing allows you play a variety of roles and get used to the system before you are locked into a character. Changing your character down the road is possible IG (in game) but extremely difficult. Therefore, getting a feel for various roles beforehand is a good idea. If you know what you want to play, and want to start a character right away, go for it!

Step 2: Pre-Reg
If you choose to NPC, pre-reg (pre-register) as an NPC so we know you are coming. Then just show up at the event. (NPCing is also FREE and earns you gobbies (golbin stamps - more on that later). If you choose to PC...there are a few more steps involved.
2.1: Character Creation
Read through the rule book and decide what class and race you want to be. Spend build on abilities (costs vary depending on your race/class). Write up a background (not required but strongly recommended). Your background cannot make you nobility or grant you bonus abilities or anything of that nature. It is essentially who you are, where you came from, what your history is, etc. Feel free to include personal goals for your character, past foes, things that interest your character, etc.
2.2: Submit your Character
Once your character is drawn up, submit it to your home chapter (your home chapter is where your characters information will be maintained and monthly blankets may be acquired. - more on that later).
2.3: "Gear" your Character
Buy/build a weapon. Arrange costuming. etc
2.4: Pre-reg for an Event
Pre-reging is slightly different in each chapter. For our chapter (Traverse City), you go to our forum and to the pre-reg link. You enter all of the requested information (including spells memorized, production being spent, gobbies being spend, build being spent, magic items you have and would like to use for the event, etc). If your home chapter is NOT Traverse City, you need to ask your home chapter to send a copy of your character card to our logistics team. Some chapter also require you to pre-pay for your registration to be complete. We do not require this.
2.5: Oh no! I Missed the Pre-reg Deadline!
It's ok, you can still play! Send your info asap via the pre-reg link. You will not get gobbies if it is late, but your time spent waiting for logistics will be reduced, and it helps with our headcount for food. If you show up during the logistics period without a pre-reg, we will still get you through, but it will take longer, as none of your information has been processed in advance.

Step 3: Your First Event
3.1: What to Bring
Find out what amenities the camp has, what food is provided, costs, etc. If you are NPCing, wear plain clothes (no jeans!) as in period or generic as possible. For our current camp setup, we have heated cabins with running water and electricty. You will need to bring your own bedding (we have bunks with camppad mattresses). Food is provided for in game money. If you cannot afford food (new players start with very little coin) talk to the tavern keep. They are very kind and will generally be able to work something out. Bring snacks/drinks for in between meals. Bring warm clothes! October is COLD. Our events are $30.
3.2: Arrival
When you get to the site, please drive slowly! (<10 miles/hour). We use a boyscout camp and must adhere to their rules. We usually have signs with arrows to guide you. We are currently using the front part of the camp. When you pull in, take a left. The next left is a giant parking lot. Park there. Follow the sign to logistics, they will know which cabins we are currently using.
3.3: Settle In
NPCs report to NPCdom. PCs head to their cabins, get in costume, round everything up for logistics.
3.4: Logistics
When it is your turn for logistics...they will sign you in, check your information, set you up with your starting package (spell book, weapon tag, armor, etc. Starting gear varies depending on your character) and collect payment for the event. If it is not your first logistics, they will verify your magic items, spell book, etc. Any weapon you bring to the event will also be safety checked.

Step 4: Game Time!
4.1: PC talk
At the start of the event, staff will conduct a PC talk. This is a time when everyone gathers (usually in the pavillion) to go over things you need to know for the event. They will let you know what areas are off limits, safety concerns, point out who the marshals (essentially game assistants) are. They will also cover any non standard effects you may see (effects not covered in the rule book).
4.2: Game On
After PC talk they call Lay On. This is offically the start of the game! Enjoy!
4.3: Meeting People
Everyone is different. There is an extremely diverse group of people. Some will love you, some will hate you, some will try to kill you. Just remember, this is a game, just do what your character would do.
4.4: Teachers
As you gain experience and want to expand your skills, you will need to be taught (acquire a teacher card) for those skills before you can spend build on them. You gain experience quickly when you first start start looking for teachers at your first event!
4.5: Treasure
This is handled entirely in game. FOIG (Find Out In Game).
4.6: Experience
Xp is gained for every event. Enough xp turn into build you can spend on abilities. You can spend this build in beween events, or at logistics. Experience is not added to your card each is added after each event.

Side Notes:
Goblin Stamps: OOG (out of game) points that can be spent on a variety of rewards.
These are earned by doing things like pre-reging on time, donating items, helping clean up after events, NPCing, etc.
They can be spent on a variety of things. Some of those things include IG items and monthly blankets (a day events worth of experience. This cannot be earned more than 1x month).
How to Earn and Spend Gobbies varies by chapter. As does the rate at which you earn gobbies.

I hope that was helpful! If you have more questions, feel free to send me a pm(private message).

The Alliance Traverse website is:

That is where you will find the camp address and pre-reg link.

Good luck and have fun!

Wow thank you guys for all the helpful posts :D. The email does work and should be where you send your characters or get help on what you need. That email is checked by our owner and logistics person Beverly at the moment so you should be able to get your background turned in there and get a prompt response. I look forward to seeing you and your crew in October.

Chris Thetford
General Manager of Alliance Traverse City