Meeting of Minds

Durnic's eyes snap open and he reflexively pulls back from Plue before he comes to his senses. Upon her asking he just nods, breathing fast and shallow.

Plue's hand touches his clamy, sweaty forehead, she closes her eyes...
Amory bows "Thank you"
She looks absolutely relieved to have his verbal consent. Her eyes close, and reopen a minute or two later. "Ser Durnic is clear." To him, she adds. "Sit and rest. Please."
Alluvio gives away no change of face through their battle with the void. He simply opens his eyes and glares at the void, then looks at the biata.

"I am ready to be checked. "
Shin focused inward, his hands still for long moments, before they began to move, folding inward and taking on new forms and interlocking configurations as he pushed outward, a small grow ebbing from him as poured his strength into the task at hand.

A corona of light ebbs from him, effulgent, as the writing mass of Unlight before him begins to snake as if forces unseen grasp it. Shin panted hard, effort in exchange for endurance. His hands, though bathed in magic, shivered. The bandages around his palms began to turn red.

With suddenness and speed the Tendrilled mass lanced forward towards Shin.

In a heart beat Shin let out a growl, breaking his hands apart and thrusting them forward in front of them, clenching them tight as if gripping a serpent, his whole body shaking now. The red flowing freely from his palms.

The Tendril, pulsing with malevolence had stopped, just barely, inches from Shin's forehead, constrained in a nimbus of radiating deep Blue light.

"No" he commanded in a growl.

With that, the soil and dirt around Shin turned to Dust, as he thrust his arms forward, folding the tendril of Void back in on itself, until it nothing remains.

Shin grunted again, the light fading away, as he merely knelt there, his hands at his side, a fine white powder of dust surrounding him, stained here and there in crimson.
Illahee hisses out something syllabant, unintelligible, and disturbingly dissonant. Her rose-thorn colored claws seem to grow sharper and longer, her whole body tenses and she lifts her other hand. The original tendril she was concentrating on slowly but surely slips back into the Tear. The other continues to writhe, apparently innervated by the unsuccessful magical efforts of Lael.
Durnic sits up, cross-legged. He pulls a waterskin from his belt and drinks greedily.
Plue walks over to the Earth dragon, and offers them her hand. "Whenever you are ready."
"I don't think I have finished with my tendril" Lael says as she tries to get up, but even looking at the portal causes her to freeze. "Why can't I move. I don't understand."
Rolling back to his knees he sees Illahee struggling and reaches out to help... Whatever meager amount of strength he has left pours into the tendril.
Amory puts a tired hand on Lael's shoulder, voice just above a whisper, "Perhaps with some assistance, you could try again?"
Amory focuses in on the stray tendril, hand still on Lael's shoulder to bolster her friend.
Alluvio takes Plue's hand. "I accept. "
"I guess, tho you guys are really tired" Lael says worried about her friends and family since everyone is incredibly tired.
Lael focus on the tendril again and as she retakes her stance, she feels the void try to enter her mind, but with Amory's help it is drved back. As the tendril doubles in on itself, it's voice in her head goes quiter and quiter til both the tendril and the voice is no more.
The tendril that Bavaikas had been focusing on collapses completely under itself. The Dragon's eyes shoot open, and they draw a sharp breath, the air around them crackling with electricity. They take a few ragged breaths, and slowly rise to their feet, trembling ever so slightly.
Jonathan observes each meditator, trying to sense the factors and strategies that lead to success.
Shin is there, beside Bavaikas, helping them to rise if they need it, he himself standing on legs made less sturdy by the effort. He panted, slowly, looking around at their efforts.
Amory gives Lael's shoulder a little squeeze before collapsing. She just lays there for a bit staring up at the clouds. Should they be spinning like that?
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