Magic Item sale!

Have you ever wanted to wield the power of the very earth and sky? Don't have the patience for reading books and communing with nature? Then Magical Items are just the thing! All items have been significantly discounted for a limited time only, make your purchases quickly as these deals won't last.


Golden Rose Pin - 1 per day Purify, 1 per day Dispel
Lasts until 6/7/17
Sale price: 22 Gold, Rental price: 1.5 Gold per day
That's nearly 40 golds worth of potions and scrolls in an easy to use item at nearly half the cost!

Claw Necklace - 1 per day Cure Wounds, 1 per day Cloak Lightning
Lasts until 5/17/18
Sale price: 18 Gold, Rental price: 8 Silver per day
Nearly 30% off!

Orange Bead Necklace - 2 per day Cloak Curse
Lasts until 10/12/16
Sale price: 7 Gold, Rental price: 1 Gold per day
Who wants to be cursed?

Purple Gem Ring - 1/D Cloak Necromancy
Lasts until 5/25/17
Sale price: 10 Gold, Rental Price: 8 Silver per day
For when you really need to give that dirty Necromancer what for!

Swan Pendant - 1 per day Elemental Shield
Lasts until 11/9/16
Sale price: 4 Gold, Rental price: 6 Silver per day
I'm practically giving it away!

Blue Heart Pendant - a lightning storms worth of Arcane Armor (30)
Lasts until 11/9/16
Sale price: 10 Gold, Rental price: 1.2 Gold per day
And it could be yours!


Black Wolves Tabard (green with Insignia) - a lightning storms worth of Arcane Armor (30), 1 per day Cloak Evocation
Rental only: 2 Gold per day

Golden Bracelet - 1 per day Sleep, 1 per day Bind, 1 times ever Lightning Bolt
Rental only: 8 Silver per day


Golden Goblet - 2 times ever Magic Storm FLAWED: Magic Storms must be used at the same time and both users must touch the goblet for the duration of the Magic Storms
Lasts until charges used
Sale Price: 4 Gold
That's only 2 gold per Magic Storm!


Vision (LCO)

Blissful Rest


Destroy Magic

Warder Glyph

Conjure Artifact



Planar Asylum

Spirit Walk

Race Reaver(LCO)

Cosmetic Transformation


Summon Pantherghast

Summon Magical Creature

Cloak of Darkness

Transfer Enchantment

Spirit Store


Circle Lock

Merchant of Magic,
Oliver Olwen Oleander
Me no really like sky magic so if me could know da nature of both da arcane armors and da claw necklaces cloack and pretty much what is earth so dat me knows dat would be nice.

The Arcane armors are both celestial as is the golden bracelet and half of the rose pin. All of the other items including the claw necklace are earthen.

-Oliver Olwen Oleander
Consider da necklace sold. Me will send someone around with da money since me no be there.

Good evening,

The purple gem ring greatly interests me. I do not yet have enough coin to buy it, but I may be interested in renting it for day or two.

-Innoxius the Healer