Looking for work


It seems that the mists have brought me back to Fortannis and back to the Wayside area.
Some may know me by name others by the Reputation I've carved out on the backs of bloody necromancers.

I'd like to have a few things set up and ready by the market day so I can get right to work.

Khale Blacklight.
Sayyid Blacklight,

The Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company is always looking to hire/pay people who serve useful. Though we are new to Wayside and the adventuring life style, there are always jobs that have special needs.

Wild Rose
Owner of the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company
Khale Blacklight,

When you come to town, you should come see me. I can fill in the gaps for what you missed when it comes to the fate met by your former brothers-in-arms, the Brotherhood of the Light.

Circle Master Eric Marsters
Former Leader of the Brotherhood of the Light
Circle Master of Fairfax
Greater Earth Guild of Terna
Most excellent...I will seek you out then. I would inquire..is there perhaps a new organization that shares my fanatical like views?

The Brotherhood of the Light has been absorbed into the Earth Guild, and now makes up one of its' four branches. The Brotherhood you once knew was led by corruption, and led the nation to war once Knight-General Cole was assassinated by Reinious Thargatian and Renlee Firstborne. There is always a place for those that wish to fight against those that would harm Fortannis, and do so legally. We can talk more in person.

Circle Master Marsters

It's been a while, I can help you catch up as well.


As Circle Master Marsters mentioned, he can fill you in on any guild related inquiries, however, if you were once a member of the Brotherhood of the Light you may be interested in it's reformed state, The Guardians of the Light, lead by Grand Counselor Cole. Of course you can join any of the other 3 branches if you'd like....

Jax Pettleton
Apprentice Counsilor of The Guardians of the Light branch of the Greater Earth Guild of Terna

It has been some time. May your travels bring you here safetly.

Lady FallingStar
Lady Fallingstar,

it has been far too long since I've looked upon your beauty. I do hope to see you soon...I'll have some wine in tow from the lands I've been trapped in for the last several years. I do hope we can share a few glasses when I arrive.
I look forward to your perspective on the events that have transpired during my absence.

I am always interested in any cause that allows me to use my sword and rid the world of the unliving, we shall have to have a discussion as well.