Kid's event pre-registration

1. Brynne Crewell
2. Kailee Barrett
3. Jeniffer Sisk +$10 membership fee
4. Jeremy Davis
5. Ed Zapson +$10 membership fee
6. Another Ed Zapson!

1. Kelly Allard
2. Dustin Crewell
3. William Barrett
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The event is July 25-27. Put me down for NPCing! :)
Hey Eric, If they are under 16, they can still play! :) Can't remember how old they are. :) Also, I've got a FB page going for the campaign, but I couldn't find you on it. Email me if you want to be added.
Technically the deadline is supposed to be up on this, but you can continue to pay since pre-registration isn't as important. But seriously, if you pay late Thursday or early Friday, that would definitely be too late. Just pay at the door if you have to.
Thanks Mike!
Everyone - If you need to pay on site, please give me the money. I will be sending all payments in Monday/Tuesday after the event. (Including for my kids, :))
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