June Favorites

Thank you Staff and NPCs !
Congratulations to Brian on writing / running his first full event !
Great story and lots of fun :).

× Emotional RP with Tova's "woven family" . Thank you Dan and Mark. I love interacting with The Caldwell and all the aspects of Tattercloak.

× Death Wagon rises again !!!

×Late Saturday night Keely and Tova alone in the tavern turning the lights out and headed to bed. Keely sits Tova down to teach her a lullaby to sing to Lil Paladar. <3 such a beautiful moment. 16 years of friendship / sisters. What a journey.

× The sigil mod . The embodiment of the Plains is no joke. So creepy and perfect.

×Singing in the tavern late Saturday night with the small group of adventurers left in town. In walks Tear Off......damn. so scary. The battle that followed was also great. Super challenging. Tova found her place helped lead the troops and the town worked together. So proud of everyone.

× Heresy being appointed Lord of Gosh Hawk isle.

That's all I have with my tired brain.

Thank you again to everyone
To the staff and especially to Brian - great event.

I loved the choose your own adventure aspect of the weekend. It was a great way to make the pcs feel they have an undeniable effect on the outcome of the weekend. It also helped that both choices were interesting stories the pcs cared about.

Saturday night dinner. Thank you Deb and everyone else who helps run the tavern. A warm tavern in which to enjoy a hot meal, drink and conversations with friends is a larger part of why people come to this game than we acknowledge.

Evan's get-smacked-by-a-jade-construct mod was groovy. I'm always a sucker for mods where we have to jump around and figure things out to survive.

Having Goshawk declared a protectorate and subsequently being made its lord was of course a huge highlight. I'm sure a lot of you know how difficult it's been in and out of game losing Sev. Trying to find a meaningful way to direct that loss into something good has been difficult. Knowing that her name can live on in the in game world through something beyond just our character's memories is a peculiar blessing for which I am grateful, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Training and hanging out with Nikhujo. Most people who have played this game for a long time go through a point where they feel kind of lost with their character. Sometimes it comes from not knowing what to do with yourself after achieving a goal, or because your character lost something or someone that their identity at some point got wrapped around. Having someone show up whose goals and life have nothing to do with any of that can be a real saving grace, especially if that character is interesting and (albeit unintentionally) entertaining. So thank you, Nikhujo/Susie.

I'm glad there was singing in the tavern. Sorry I missed it.

I think for the most part I did ok with the three hit flurry thing this weekend, so that was cool.


Meg...Aisling needs to drop the mic/spear, and I want to be around to see it happen.

Hope to see you all in Caldaria.
The NPCs are so amazing. Every single event you play your hearts out! Staff and writers - you guys make this game worth playing as well. You quickly switch gears in order to accommodate our shinanigans! Your imaginations are awesome and terrifying.

TearOff is just simply horrifying. I was thinking "okay so a huge chunk of the warriors in town just went off to do this overnight thing so we're safe because no one would attack when so many of our fighters are gone". And then TearOff walks in and I have never moved so fast in all my days. I thought it was revenge of the clown from years ago. Scared the crap outta me! THOSE are the moments I LOVE!

Ivar letting Tzydl know that he has a ton of harm undead acids and them discussing how we haven't needed to use as many in a long time. UNTIL TEAROFF!! Such fun!! I used 20 Harm acids and was so excited.

Getting to talk to a Pure Lord!! I sent in my IBGA form and requested to meet a PL and it happened!!! SO AWESOME!

The new Justicar of Tower Portal. I love this character. Deborah and Duorn had JUST gone to bed for the night. We see a noble walk in so we're all kneeling. He's introducing himself as the new Tower Portal Justicar and I'm thinking 1. I'm going to be bowing for quite some time since it's taking him forever to say his name and title, 2. I gotta go get Deborah and Duorn!

"Don't run Don't run, people will get suspicious!"

Death Wagon. This is my new most favorite thing. Also Death Wagon with three or four wheels. Also stealing Death Wagon for a joy ride.

New bracers and new pouch and new strengthened metal box for m'alchemy!

Explosive mod - surgery to remove explosive traps. Poor Brian having to eat tic tacs HA! That guy (I forget his name) who is the friend of Francis Teawaddle who blew himself up with the Friendship Gas, Sean that character might be one of my favorites of all time.


The weather was amazing!!

What a great time. Can't wait until July event!
Thank you NPCs, the few, the rugged, the mighty, the bumped off PCing who stayed and NPCed, and especially the brand new!

I spent rather little time in game so my list is kind of short but boy was my time exciting.

Slave rescue! That was just the coolest. From the descriptor of how to rift, through how disgusting the Sanguine are, to having some sad feelings about the world but also tentative hope on the boat. "Nerium. Focus." "I am!" No, actually, thats the elemental chaos talking and does not count as focusing. Elemental chaos is delightful. Wow, those were a lot of feelings. And I always enjoy Sideways, plus Tenpenny, and the first appearance of the captain. Also, allow me to mention feelings again, and Sylvan talk time.

There aren't enough thanks in all of Eire for Heresy. Even though he scared the kids.

I felt quite sad for Justicar Vaughn. Her feelings seemed pretty clear.

Ria Dragovich. A very reasonable man. Wtih a solid method for derailing the awkwardness of Nerium being unwilling to share all of Surion's personal business with the entire town.

It wasn't 80 degrees out.

See you in July!
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This game is absurdly great. I like it a whole freaking lot. Thanks to staff, NPCs, and fellow PCs for all the tireless work to make this world real and awesome.

So yeah, Heresy is pretty important to Nikhujo, and the amount of stuff that happens between them is pretty dang awesome: Anti-anxiety yoga, sparring with chases, long walks and break down talks, paranoid talks against that weird Ulak Kashan thing, “learning” about “colors,” hunting/chasing down as many quick NPCs as possible... Always a great time to be so immersed and have such character development going on! Many many thanks right back at ya, Gary!

This one time, Nikhujo didn’t pay Keely for healing, and INSTANT REGRET AND BROODING happened for a while. I mean really, what is this, some level of trust in people in community? Naaahh… can’t be… ;)

The IG weird, surreal feeling Nikhujo got from slow-fighting the bugs when she was being a stall/distraction for the hive explosion. Also, working with Aisling was pretty dang cool. Again, what is this?! Teamwork?! Feelings?!

YO, Evan’s puzzle mod!! Dude, freaking AWESOME game! As much as she is obsessed with martial strength and hunting, Nikhujo also wants to be quick-witted, and jumps on all mental puzzles with aggression, too. The mechanics were awesome, and as soon as she threw herself in she got to be the prisoned one. Of course. “Rescue the Princess”?! OOG HAH, LOL FOREVER.

Have I given enough props to the NPCs who gave wicked good chase? No, of course not, because no words would ever be enough to describe my thanks for their incredible swiftness and fun challenges. Brian and our new buddy Chris as goats and bugs, and Luke as that big black bug especially!! YOU DUDES ROCK. Please keep giving my cheetah things to run after!


Ahem. So yes. This may be overly sentimental, but I just really love hanging out with you folks. OOG, real life, I love chilling with y'all and being part of this community. Thanks for being so great and funny and cool and all that. <3
The IG weird, surreal feeling Nikhujo got from slow-fighting the bugs when she was being a stall/distraction for the hive explosion. Also, working with Aisling was pretty dang cool. Again, what is this?! Teamwork?! Feelings?!
I could see Nikhujo getting frustrated and heard her express it a few times during that fight. Aisling sure did appreciate that as frustrated as Nikhujo was that she kept it together and stuck it out.
Battlefield fun with Nikhujo was great. Aisling still feels partially responsible that you're up in Laerthan so much now since she talked to you about how to mist walk and where she was from. Nik has more friends than she realizes keeping an eye out for her. ;)