Introducing a new game of chance!

Along with my usual services of food, drink, magic items, and various crafted goods I am pleased to announce Oliver Oleanders Cups of Chance! Just as in life nothing is certain but the bold are rewarded with the possibility of great riches!

How it works:
A series of cups will be arranged at random upside down. Each cup sits over a piece of paper on which is written your prize. Once the cups have been set they will only be moved when a player takes one. No cups will be replaced and the game ends when all cups/prizes have been claimed.

Entry Fee:

Each game will be first come first served. The fee may fluctuate per game but the fee will be the same for everyone in each game. Currently I am planning on games with fees between 5 silver and 1 gold.


Prizes will be randomized but it will always be possible to win one of each of the following in every game
1) A Ritual scroll, 2) a Magic Item or catalyst, 3) a coin sum larger than the entry fee.

Prizes may be any of the following:
Crafted goods such as potions, battle magic scrolls, alchemy, and smithed items.
Ritual scrolls
Magic items
Coin(varying sums)
Store discounts good for one day (24 hours)
and more!

Just remember the only way to lose is by not playing!
Good Trader Oliver Oleander,

You still run this game of chance for next market?

-Cho Ko Nu
Cho Ko Nu,

Oliver Oleanders Cups of Chance will be returning for the next gathering with fabulous prizes available to all!

-Oliver Olwen Oleander
Good! No be right for play games of chance without Cho Ko Nu! You know me will play, and make good trade for many other things, you still remember you best customer, right?

-Cho Ko Nu
Indeed I do remember Cho Ko Nu, I believe this game was designed for someone just like you and I imagine you will thoroughly enjoy it!

-Oliver Olwen Oleander