HEY - I knows of a another Node!!


Hi there fellow Adventurers!!

I hears that you have a "super secret" place to talks and make plans, but I tried to knock on the door & no one answered :(

Any ways, I knows that I got to the June market late and I heard that you took care of one of the corrupt nodes by Pratorak. GOOD JOB!!

Hows so ever, when I was back there visiting at Fort Urakh in May, I met up with my Stone Elf friends that I made over the winter. Theys were telling about the location of another node - besides the one you alls got last month.

My Stone Elves friends be saying that the defenses around this 2nd Node seem to grow in strength and resistance depending on the amount of power the surrounding Corrupt are confronted with. Also, one of my friends mentioned that this Node is likely a good target for what they called "delving". So, if a group of younger adventurers, likes me, wants to go check this out.... I would like to take a chance to try and connect into the Weave at the Node to see if I can learns some information from the Weave. I likes to learn new things, it could be interesting to see what a Weave has to say!

The Stone Elves did say that the "delving" could be risky if in you can nots be resisting commands made by the Weave. I has a few resists that I can use, if in it tries to be "trixy". So what says you? Any one want to give me a hand? Afterwards, THEN we can breaks it :)


Hello trixy I'm not really quite sure who you are but that sound like an adventure I would be happy to acompany so count me in