Guild of Anvil and Iron


Greetings brave ones,
I hope that my assumptions are correct that that a number of members of the Guild of the Anvil and Iron will soon be close at hand, because I have a task with which could use that Guilds assistance. As always assistance from the Guild of Adventurers is more than welcome. I will bring more details with me when I arrive, though I will attempt to leave a message upon the wall so that the interested guild members present might leave me their names should I not stumble immediately upon you.

In Service
Aldoran Wrighstone
Guild of the Anvil and Iron
I am sorry I missed your message. My name is Kerak Badgergast and I am the current head of the Brotherhood of Anvil and Iron. We are always willing to assist someone in need especially if if furthers the Brotherhoods Forges. I will be at the next gathering and hope that I will be able to help you then.
