Gift of Life for those who seek


Public Relations Committee

I am reminding any undead. That if you have become undead against your will and free choice; or by other means and if you wish to end that state we can help. If you promise to accept a Gift of Life we can help. If you choose to become living again and will commit to a mortal life. One where you can once again be part of our community, a Gift of Life will be cast on your behalf.

If you find yourself in this situation please send me a message and arrangements can be made.

Lady FallingStar
I too am offering any and ALL undead the option to no longer be undead. I've an alternative tried and true process that I'm happy to offer to you.

Khale Blacklight
Ha ha ha, get it? It's funny because he's offering to kill you.

Never heard THAT one before. Hilarious.

I'm going back to bed.

--Ramona Wrathborne
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I don't discriminate..I'll happily slide my sword blade through your ribs as well. Ask around...they'll tell you.
You don't discriminate... based on what, undeath? So you're saying you'll stab a person either way, for no reason? That's real forward-thinking of you, man. Most people aren't too progressive about undead equality.

--Ramona Wrathborne

just pencil me into the non-progressive thinking type that wont abide undead in his presence, town or really and distance I feel like at the moment. I'll happily stab an undead in the face, the ribs frankly any place I want.

Khale "the Closed minded non progressive" Blacklight
Ahh, Viktor, it has been months.

I am sorry but, I did not know of your family. The offer that was made prior to you still stands. If you change your mind we can work to restore your body.

Lady FallingStar

I'd love to meet you. Any chance you can find some time?

Jehan W.
Zzzzzz.... *snrk* Whaaa? Oh, umm.... I guess so... Would I have to go anyplace?

--Ramona Wrathborne

You seem familiar, have we met before?

Ignathis Nachtfeuer
The Company
I dunno, I don't really get out much... Why, where have you heard of me?

--Ramona Wrathborne
Actually Ramona you don't have to go anywhere if you don't want to. We can come to you.

Jehan W
Yeah, whatever, just don't expect me to clean or anything. I was staying at a friend's, but he hasn't been home for like... a year... So I've just been, I don't know, sitting around and stuff since then. I guess it wouldn't be the worst to get up once every couple months or so, you know? Eh... Why not. If you knock and I don't answer within five or six hours, I'm probably asleep, though.

--Ramona Wrathborne
Why wait 5-6 hours? That's a long time... Wouldn't it be better to wait a few minutes? And why should you being asleep stop a meeting? We could just make loud noises or knock louder. That works for me anyway.

Librarian of the Fairfax Library

When you get a chance, lemme know what your address is?

Um, sure I guess... It's in R-- waaaaaait a minute, is this a trick? Are you friends with those undead hunter fools?

--Ramona Wrathborne
I am not seeking to trick you, simply speak to you.

Jehan W.
Ramona do not be foolish, adventurers are wicked things who will say anything toget there way, do anything to enforce there will on others.

Viktor Hook
Greetings Mr Hook,

I don't paint you with a broad brush, don't do the same to me.


My question and promise stands.


Jehan W.