Food for August Gather


Hello my dears!

I vas vondering eef anyone had plans to cook for this coming gazzer. Eef not, I vas sinking about making a beef/venison vegetable soup to keep our bodies warm and our bellies full. Does anyone have any problems vis zat? I do not vant to create competition should someone else be vanting to cook or sell something.

Hopefully, my brownies vill also make za trip with me as well!

Larien Lissesul
Do it! My stomach calls out in agony at the thought of that stew not being in my gut. Make the gather come faster...

You need help for cooking, cousin? I am good cook, if you like!
Za cooking is za easy part, cousin, eet vill be za clean up that I vould love some help with! I vould be happy to give you some of za profits eef you are villing to give me a hand.

I look forward to meeting you my dear!
This I can help with, too! We will be seeing each other soon, then, eh?