encampment 42? i got a better name


so if thats all we are going to call this town i would like to propose a better name


I am raven ... and i support this message!
I'm Gandian, and I support this message.

May the Thud guide you, and the Thud guard your path,
~ Gandian
This recommendation has been noted.... ....

Anyone else have any ideas?

Sera Zanabanath
As much as I like Thud, and admire his prowess, I don't think it's wise to name the town after him, we've got a number of delicate situations with neighboring kingdoms already, and if we will not take our own kingdom seriously, how can we expect them to?

-Enan Bluewater
Although Thud is vone of my favoritez...if only becauze vonce ve had to rift home, and hiz home was the ice box of the tavern vhich vas most convenient at the time. I must admit better names could ve found. Because it fancies me at thiz time may I suggest, Turtle Creek as I am zertain I saw vone just the other day.

May the light guide you and the shadow gaurd your path.

Kitaruen Kopanari
Calm down, folks.

I'm sure y'all know that my statement, and Raven's as well, were made in jest. We don't seriously expect the town to be named after everyone's favorite pigkin. Merely because we are in a complex political situation does not mean we must always be perfectly serious at any given time about everything.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
I've seen stranger things in my travels, that said, Turtle Creek appeals to me quite a bit, although I'm not sure why.

Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.
Gorka like something Hopeful and posidive rather than Pensive and soliced.


I have had some good suggestions given to me over the last few weeks and I am willing to add more and then select the best based on recommendations. Would you all like me to list them all for everyone to see and add more as they are presented?

May the rolling thunder protect you,

Sera Eldandiril Zanabanath
Knight of Wayside under Baron Selmy
Champion of Elemental Balance Lightning
Sera Zanabanath,

I would like to see a list of what has been suggested. If you could provide it that would be wonderful! How are you planning to choose the name? If I can be of assistance in any way please let me know.

There are a few factors that will be used to decide which name will be used.

The list so far is thus,

Thorn Town
Briar Town
Briar Cliff
Jara Town
Adventurer's Gather
Thorny Path

If there are any new suggestions I will write them down.

Thank you for your help,

Sera Zanabanath
I have a couple...

Path of Ashes
Road to ruin
Ghost town

Good names all of them...what do you call it...foreshadowing.

So from mists I bring you this new drink called 'Thud'. I have recipe for tavern. Thuds all around!

An' to Goren,

How bout the town be named Dwarfs-bane, or Beard Cutter?

Care to back those words up? Tell me, where do the mists deposit you?


I tell you where they spit me out. You tell me the REAL reason why you here. Dream quietly to me if you must.


He wants something we don't have, and he doesn't believe we don't have it. More recently we had been in an uneasy, but peaceful, stalemate until the King decided to start a war with his people. To be fair their use of necromancy and creatures created by such, put his community directly at odds with ours and the nobility have chosen to address this now instead of later.

-Enan Bluewater.

Me and Mine are killing you and yours because of this:

1- To get back an artifact stolen from us by your people.
2- Because your "kingdom" assaulted us.
3- Personally, I love to see milkborn sunraised weaklings suffer the fates they've earned.

We can get together to "discuss" out demands, where shall you and I meet?


Last chance...kick them out of your keep and no stones will fly this night no bolt will find a mark. Keep up your pretence of loyalty and the war begins for you tonight.

While I am honored you think such a name might refer to me, you should think twice about what a name such as Thuddington would suggest:

To those who seek refuge or fall upon hard times, it is a place of strength and a bastion of protection.

A place where those of us with the will and conviction will gather and stand strong to combat the forces that seek to thwart justice and freedom.

To those who would seek to oppress or invoke rebellion, it is a warning that such attempts will be met with a resounding... well... thud.

Also, fine cheeses.

Regardless, I have every faith that we will continue to stand strong and do what is right and necessary.

But then, I am just a simple Pig,
-Thaddius "Thud" Mackenzie

I have never failed to perform a duty that was mine to uphold, you've known this and chosen to cross that line. I do not know why you persist to waste resources on what could be a neutral party by demanding I side with you by neglecting my responsibility, but that choice is yours as my duty to those who live within my walls is clear. Why continue to weaken your men solely for pleasure, or some twisted sense of revenge?


If you want to face Goren, I am certain you will get the chance, don't be so fool hearty as to face him alone.

-Enan Bluewater