Components needed


I am looking for components, and willing to buy or trade for them. I am in need of the following: One of each Pyrotis, Wand, Fangtooth, and Cariosus.

I will be attending the upcoming feast in Myerston later this month. Please respond if you are interested in selling or trading.

Baron Duorn Bronzebeard Deepdelver
Barony of Rockholm
I’ve got you covered, Duorn.

We can work out details later.

Thank you Tieran, I truly appreciate your aid in this. Though I have a had a response from another, Grand is their name, who offered a Cariosus. He seems an interesting fellow and I am looking forward to meeting him. Are you coming to the feast later this month? If so, it will be good to see you. I will look forward to an opportunity to share a drink and a meal without the interruptions that so often occur when we gather.


I will be there. I’ll have a ritual caster with me as well, if you have need of their services.
