

San Francisco Staff
Some of you have come to me with things, trophies, materials that you wish to donate and then have asked about compensation. I would love nothing more than the ability to reach into the Royal Treasury, and pay you the sums of gold that you deserve for the horrors that you have faced, and the resources that you have expended. However, as the Capital is not within my control I cannot do this. All I can say is that your sacrifices in blood, deed, and resources will not go unnoticed, that the material wealth that you part with will be remembered, and when all is said and done you will know that you have given all to achieve greatness, and those who sacrifice will be have their debts paid in kind.
For those of you that this is not enough I ask you remember the healing from others that you have received, the spells of life, and the blades of those around you that have cloven those down that would have rendered you to bone and worse. The wereguild you pay in blood courage and sacrifice is being paid unto you and borne by others around you. Anything that can be spared is a blessing to someone that will eventually find its way back to you.
Groups who do not already do so I would suggest you form a group “box” I will be speaking to your leaders shortly about this.