Cloak Lightning 2/d enchanted item for sale


I have been asked to auction off an enchanted item for a group of adventurers.

A small seashell, it possesses the ability for the bearer to cloak Lightning twice a day. It travels anywhere in Fortannis, and has no identifiable flaws. It's magic will expire in late March of next year.

Private offers will be accepted, but I will only be able to open correspondence once per day, around midnight on the eastern side of Fortannis. Messengers can be sent to the Maelstrom, to the cabin of the Sign of the Raven (oog, PM on these boards). Public bids are also accepted.

I'll open the bidding at 24 gold, this auction will end at 5 pm on the last day of April. (oog: 5 pm pacific time, 8 pm eastern.)
Twenty Four gold for two cloaks against a single flavor of evocation a day for less than a year?

Seems to me I need to come visit your lands if that is indeed the going rate for such things in your area...

-Enan Bluewater,
Barrister of Wayside.

Perhaps the group of adventurers is composed of 24 individuals.
