Cabins for the upcoming game

Ryan W

As game approaches and we're making our preparations for the big new campaign, sleeping arrangements are being planned and prepped, and we're encouraged to mix it up a bit where we've been staying.

Also cabin #6 is the long one that was having some work done on it. Do we know how that's coming along?

Go ahead and enter which cabin you'd like to stay in, and list the names of the people staying in that cabin with you. This way we know how many people are in each cabin and how much room there is. I'll update this post as time goes on and new info is presented.

Maps are here.
and another camp map

Amy and our excellent plot team has made this google doc for people to sign up for bunks.
spreadsheet on Google-docs
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A couple quick notes about this:

1. I believe Plot has an "actual" map that perhaps one of them could scan and post up here?

2. We should verify that Plot will want PCs staying in the same sets of cabins. Perhaps they want us to stay in what were the NPC cabins across the field, for example. Plot: Can you please state which cabins are allowed for PCs in the new campaign?

We'll give you all an update on cabin after tonights meeting, we're finalizing IG locations and pc cabins.
Bryan pointed out that it might be "P" instead of "R". It's hard to tell from the photo, so let me know if you don't know which ones I am talking about.
It is P for the Pathfinder cabins
If it's still possible, I would like to reserve P3 for the 'out of town' folks!
So far it looks like:
Isaac Harrus
Joe Torres
Nathan Bainbridge
Greg Rudy
Alison Buntemeyer
Shane Macomber (?)
Jordan Flemming (?)

**Jason Thomas
The last two need to confirm timing, but I think we're all going to be there, with any luck.
Comfirmation that the following cabins are for PC use
P[1-3], L[1-4], and the Electric cabin.

The Science Buildinghas typically been used for mod space. This event it will be used as an IG location. If there are issues with this please email the plot team at

W[1-3] are also used for NPC sleeping over flow. Also, one or more of these cabins will be IG locations
Pioneer[1-3] are IG locations and PC over flow or Mods (space depending). These are the set of cabins on the far right edge of the map.

Pooh's Cabin has n0 official role and is up for grabs, ATM.
Poohs cabin is not up for grabs and will be an IG location. We will post more information tonight
So, are there at present no more cabins? I have a group of 5+
Paige, it looks like the lakeside cabins, lower left, are mostly available.
Ok, thank you, I would like to reserve a lakeside cabin for 6+ then!
The electric cabin does indeed have bunks now

Each cabin sleeps 8 people, with the exception of the electric cabin, which sleeps 10 people.
Add Jamie G. to my cabin. Waiting on confirmation for Jesse H. as well
In the theme of making sure that Foxbridge feels different than any place we have gone before, we'd like to shake things up with our usual cabin arrangement at Kiwanilong. So that you can follow along at home, with the camp map. :)

  • Staff Cabins, Woodsmen, Infirmary and Mitchell will still be NPC camp, with Monster Camp continuing to be run out of Mitchell. In-Game, buildings exist in these locations, but they are not accessible during game unless you make specific arrangements, in which case we will stage a module for you. Once you've learned what they are, you may go to them by asking at Monster Camp as you would for a Lair Card.
  • Pathfinder cabins are numbered 1-3 with 1 starting at the top of the map. Lakeside cabins are numbered 1-4, 1 and 2 are by the lake with 1 being closer to the tavern, 3 and 4 are on the other side of the pavilion with 3 being closer to the tavern. Pioneer Cabins are labeled 1-3 with 1 being closest to the tavern.
  • Pathfinder 1-3, Lakeside 1-4, Electric Cabin, Trading Post, and Pioneer 1 will still be available for PCs, with the following exceptions:
    • Trading Post is a small 2 bed cabin with 1 bed always reserved for Zaz.
    • Pioneer 1 will be a public building; IG, no wards or wizard locks allowed.
    • If all cabins are filled we will open up more buildings in Pioneer, starting with Pioneer 2.
    • Pooh's Cabin will have the Earth Circle and The Pavilion outside Lakeside 3,4 will have the Celestial Circle.
      • This information is being provided so players can mindfully metagame where they will be staying.
      • Circles will be active at the start of game
  • Staff 2 building will house Logistics as usual.

As I said, we'd like to make this location feel as different from Korilhom and Portos as we can, so we'd appreciate everyone's help in making that happen. The biggest thing you can do to help before even showing up to game is trying to chose a new cabin. To help we have created a spreadsheet on Google-docs for people to identify the cabins they would like to reserve.

We'd like the PC groups to move locations from where they usually stay to a new place. Some of our players have only been to this site once or twice before, but some of us have been using it in basically the same arrangement for some time, so a change is in order. We'd like it if all of you especially would take this opportunity to set up shop in a new location (even if you all just swap buildings with each other). We're giving everyone some of warning now so that no one will have to make a decision last minute on site where they want to be.
We attempted to fill in the places already reserved in this thread. Paige, as we were not sure which specific cabin you were wanting so we will let you fill them in :)
Thanks for all the great info Amy, we really appreciate it. I'm glad we started this thread in advance like this. I'm stoked for the new campaign.
I'll need a cabin as well, but I don't really care where I get stuck.. But just in case I'll bring my tent (which I doubt I'll need).
Thanks for taking this all on Amy/plot! I have added my group to the spreadsheet.
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