Bell Wedge Pavilion Tent for Sale


I bought this for a larp tent last summer and then realized that my little condo didn't have room for all my larping gear, multiple kayaks, camping gear, the dog and giant freaking tent.
The tent is a natural canvas bell wedge tent from Midwest Tents. The dimensions are 15'x24' and it has been set up only once (in dry weather) to check for any defects. The tent is a breeze to set up for a 360 sq ft tent, one person can do it (it's tough), two people can set it up easily and quickly (10 minutes). The tent is guaranteed for life against defects by Midwest Tents. This is an awesome tent, I would hang on to it and use it if I had more space. It is waterproofed and it is new waterproofed canvas, not the old style that held the water in the canvas and then leaked if touched; the newer waterproofing sheds water like modern tent materials.

I paid $600 with shipping and had to buy lumber for the posts and stakes separately, I'm asking $550 for everything and can deliver in the Portland area. My work schedule does not look promising for the June event, so I most likely will not be able to deliver to the event.
If you're interested, PM me.

Here's a link to a picture of the tent, you can see the Buick next to it for scale.